Orla Shortall
Orla Shortall
Agricultural Social Scientist, James Hutton Institute
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“Marginal land” for energy crops: Exploring definitions and embedded assumptions
OK Shortall
Energy Policy 62, 19-27, 2013
Drivers for precision livestock technology adoption: A study of factors associated with adoption of electronic identification technology by commercial sheep farmers in England …
E Lima, T Hopkins, E Gurney, O Shortall, F Lovatt, P Davies, G Williamson, ...
PloS one 13 (1), e0190489, 2018
Greenhouse gas emissions and the technical efficiency of dairy farmers
OK Shortall, AP Barnes
Ecological Indicators 29, 478-488, 2013
Bioenergy and land use: framing the ethical debate
C Gamborg, K Millar, O Shortall, P Sandøe
Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics 25, 909-925, 2012
True cowmen and commercial farmers: exploring vets’ and dairy farmers’ contrasting views of ‘good farming’in relation to biosecurity
O Shortall, LA Sutherland, A Ruston, J Kaler
Sociologia Ruralis 58 (3), 583-603, 2018
Challenges facing the farm animal veterinary profession in England: A qualitative study of veterinarians’ perceptions and responses
A Ruston, O Shortall, M Green, M Brennan, W Wapenaar, J Kaler
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 127, 84-93, 2016
Broken biosecurity? Veterinarians’ framing of biosecurity on dairy farms in England
O Shortall, A Ruston, M Green, M Brennan, W Wapenaar, J Kaler
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 132, 20-31, 2016
Integrating social and value dimensions into sustainability assessment of lignocellulosic biofuels
S Raman, A Mohr, R Helliwell, B Ribeiro, O Shortall, R Smith, K Millar
Biomass and Bioenergy 82, 49-62, 2015
Application of multiple behaviour change models to identify determinants of farmers’ biosecurity attitudes and behaviours
IF Richens, J Houdmont, W Wapenaar, O Shortall, J Kaler, H O’Connor, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 155, 61-74, 2018
Exploring expert opinion on the practicality and effectiveness of biosecurity measures on dairy farms in the United Kingdom using choice modeling
O Shortall, M Green, M Brennan, W Wapenaar, J Kaler
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (3), 2225-2239, 2017
Are plants the new oil? Responsible innovation, biorefining and multipurpose agriculture
OK Shortall, S Raman, K Millar
Energy Policy 86, 360-368, 2015
Cows eat grass, don't they? Contrasting sociotechnical imaginaries of the role of grazing in the UK and Irish dairy sectors
O Shortall
Journal of Rural Studies 72, 45-57, 2019
Enacting and resisting biosecurity citizenship: More-than-human geographies of enrolment in a disease eradication scheme in Scotland
O Shortall, K Brown
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4 (2), 564-584, 2021
Room at the margins for energy-crops? A qualitative analysis of stakeholder views on the use of marginal land for biomass production in Denmark
OK Shortall, HT Anker, P Sandøe, C Gamborg
Biomass and Bioenergy 123, 51-58, 2019
Water for all: Towards an integrated approach to wetland conservation and flood risk reduction in a lowland catchment in Scotland
A Vinten, L Kuhfuss, O Shortall, J Stockan, A Ibiyemi, I Pohle, M Gabriel, ...
Journal of environmental management 246, 881-896, 2019
‘Natural born carers’? Reconstituting gender identity in the labour of calf care
G Enticott, K O'Mahony, O Shortall, LA Sutherland
Journal of Rural Studies 95, 362-372, 2022
Novel industry-government governance mechanisms for the eradication of bovine viral diarrhoea in the UK and Ireland
O Shortall, A Calo
Journal of Rural Studies 81, 324-335, 2021
Dairy farmer practices and attitudes relating to grass-based, high-feed-input, and indoor production systems in Ireland
OK Shortall, A Lorenzo-Arribas
Journal of Dairy Science 105 (1), 375-388, 2022
Assessment of a joint farmer-veterinarian discussion about biosecurity using novel social interaction analyses
O Chomyn, W Wapenaar, IF Richens, RA Reyneke, O Shortall, J Kaler, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 212, 105831, 2023
Dairy farmer practices and attitudes relating to pasture-based and indoor production systems in Scotland
OK Shortall, A Lorenzo-Arribas
Plos one 17 (2), e0262268, 2022
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