Vivian L Vignoles
Vivian L Vignoles
Reader in Social Psychology, University of Sussex
Верификована је имејл адреса на sussex.ac.uk
Identity motives
VL Vignoles, C Manzi
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 3061-3064, 2014
Identity motives
VL Vignoles, C Manzi
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 3061-3064, 2014
Identity motives
VL Vignoles
Handbook of Identity Theory and Research, 403-432, 2011
Beyond self-esteem: influence of multiple motives on identity construction.
VL Vignoles, C Regalia, C Manzi, J Golledge, E Scabini
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (2), 308, 2006
Understanding social psychology across cultures: Engaging with others in a changing world
PB Smith, R Fischer, VL Vignoles, MH Bond
Sage, 2013
Handbook of identity theory and research
SJ Schwartz, K Luyckx, VL Vignoles
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Body image and self‐esteem among adolescent girls: Testing the influence of sociocultural factors
D Clay, VL Vignoles, H Dittmar
Journal of research on adolescence 15 (4), 451-477, 2005
Beyond the ‘East–West’ dichotomy: Global variation in cultural models of selfhood.
VL Vignoles, E Owe, M Becker, PB Smith, MJ Easterbrook, R Brown, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (8), 966-1000, 2016
The distinctiveness principle: Identity, meaning, and the bounds of cultural relativity
VL Vignoles, X Chryssochoou, GM Breakwell
Personality and Social Psychology Review 4 (4), 337-354, 2000
National identification and anti-immigrant prejudice: Individual and contextual effects of national definitions
S Pehrson, VL Vignoles, R Brown
Social Psychology Quarterly 72 (1), 24-38, 2009
Narcissism and childhood recollections: A quantitative test of psychoanalytic predictions
LJ Otway, VL Vignoles
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (1), 104-116, 2006
Towards an integrative model of place identification: Dimensionality and predictors of intrapersonal-level place preferences
O Droseltis, VL Vignoles
Journal of environmental psychology 30 (1), 23-34, 2010
Meaning is about mattering: Evaluating coherence, purpose, and existential mattering as precursors of meaning in life judgments.
V Costin, VL Vignoles
Journal of personality and social psychology 118 (4), 864, 2020
Cohesion and enmeshment revisited: differentiation, identity, and well‐being in two European cultures
C Manzi, VL Vignoles, C Regalia, E Scabini
Journal of Marriage and Family 68 (3), 673-689, 2006
Defend or repair? Explaining responses to in-group moral failure by disentangling feelings of shame, rejection, and inferiority.
N Gausel, CW Leach, VL Vignoles, R Brown
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (5), 941, 2012
Culture and the distinctiveness motive: constructing identity in individualistic and collectivistic contexts.
M Becker, VL Vignoles, E Owe, R Brown, PB Smith, M Easterbrook, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (4), 833, 2012
Identity motives underlying desired and feared possible future selves
VL Vignoles, C Manzi, C Regalia, S Jemmolo, E Scabini
Journal of personality 76 (5), 1165-1200, 2008
12 identity: Personal and social
VL Vignoles, K Deaux, M Snyder
The Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology, 289, 2018
Evaluating models of identity motivation: Self-esteem is not the whole story
VL Vignoles, X Chryssochoou, GM Breakwell
Self and Identity 1 (3), 201-218, 2002
Beyond the United States and Japan: Testing Yamagishi's emancipation theory of trust across 31 nations
MA Gheorghiu, VL Vignoles, PB Smith
Social Psychology Quarterly 72 (4), 365-383, 2009
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