Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Caihong LiuСазнајте више
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Antifouling thin-film composite membranes by controlled architecture of zwitterionic polymer brush layer
C Liu, J Lee, J Ma, M Elimelech
Environmental science & technology 51 (4), 2161-2169, 2017
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense
Mn doped magnetic biochar as persulfate activator for the degradation of tetracycline
D Huang, Q Zhang, C Zhang, R Wang, R Deng, H Luo, T Li, J Li, S Chen, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 391, 123532, 2020
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mitigation of biofilm development on thin-film composite membranes functionalized with zwitterionic polymers and silver nanoparticles
C Liu, AF Faria, J Ma, M Elimelech
Environmental science & technology 51 (1), 182-191, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Fast adsorption of BPA with high capacity based on π-π electron donor-acceptor and hydrophobicity mechanism using an in-situ sp2 C dominant N-doped carbon
Z Sun, L Zhao, C Liu, Y Zhen, J Ma
Chemical Engineering Journal 381, 122510, 2020
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Catalytic ozonation of ketoprofen with in situ N-doped carbon: a novel synergetic mechanism of hydroxyl radical oxidation and an intra-electron-transfer nonradical reaction
Z Sun, L Zhao, C Liu, Y Zhen, J Ma
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (17), 10342-10351, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A review on the interactions between engineered nanoparticles with extracellular and intracellular polymeric substances from wastewater treatment aggregates
X Huangfu, Y Xu, C Liu, Q He, J Ma, C Ma, R Huang
Chemosphere 219, 766-783, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Activation of ferrate by carbon nanotube for enhanced degradation of bromophenols: Kinetics, products, and involvement of Fe (V)/Fe (IV)
S Sun, J Jiang, L Qiu, S Pang, J Li, C Liu, L Wang, M Xue, J Ma
Water Research 156, 1-8, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A novel 3D adsorbent of reduced graphene oxide-β-cyclodextrin aerogel coupled hardness with softness for efficient removal of bisphenol A
Z Sun, L Zhao, C Liu, Y Zhen, W Zhang, J Ma
Chemical Engineering Journal 372, 896-904, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evaluating the efficiency of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane processes for the removal of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances from water: A critical review
C Liu, X Zhao, AF Faria, KYD Quiñones, C Zhang, Q He, J Ma, Y Shen, ...
Separation and Purification Technology 302, 122161, 2022
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efficient oxidation and sorption of arsenite using a novel titanium (IV)-manganese (IV) binary oxide sorbent
W Zhang, C Liu, T Zheng, J Ma, G Zhang, G Ren, L Wang, Y Liu
Journal of Hazardous Materials 353, 410-420, 2018
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A novel nanostructured Fe-Ti-Mn composite oxide for highly efficient arsenic removal: Preparation and performance evaluation
W Zhang, C Liu, L Wang, T Zheng, G Ren, J Li, J Ma, G Zhang, H Song, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 561, 364-372, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effects of MnO2 crystal structure on the sorption and oxidative reactivity toward thallium (I)
J Liu, W Chen, X Hu, H Wang, Y Zou, Q He, J Ma, C Liu, Y Chen, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 416, 127919, 2021
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Deposition kinetics of colloidal manganese dioxide onto representative surfaces in aquatic environments: the role of humic acid and biomacromolecules
X Huangfu, C Ma, R Huang, Q He, C Liu, J Zhou, J Jiang, J Ma, Y Zhu, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (1), 146-156, 2018
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Interactions between activated sludge extracellular polymeric substances and model carrier surfaces in WWTPs: A combination of QCM-D, AFM and XDLVO prediction
Q Ou, Y Xu, X Li, Q He, C Liu, X Zhou, Z Wu, R Huang, J Song, X Huangfu
Chemosphere 253, 126720, 2020
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Formation, extracellular polymeric substances, and structural stability of aerobic granules enhanced by granular activated carbon
Z Liang, Q Tu, X Su, X Yang, J Chen, Y Chen, H Li, C Liu, Q He
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 6123-6132, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bioaccumulation of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in ferns: Effect of PFAS molecular structure and plant root characteristics
S Qian, H Lu, T Xiong, Y Zhi, G Munoz, C Zhang, Z Li, C Liu, W Li, X Wang, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (11), 4443-4453, 2023
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Detection and treatment of organic matters in hydraulic fracturing wastewater from shale gas extraction: A critical review
Z Tao, C Liu, Q He, H Chang, J Ma
Science of The Total Environment 824, 153887, 2022
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Electroless deposition of copper nanoparticles integrates polydopamine coating on reverse osmosis membranes for efficient biofouling mitigation
C Liu, Q He, D Song, J Jackson, AF Faria, X Jiang, X Li, J Ma, Z Sun
Water Research 217, 118375, 2022
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dual-functionalization of polymeric membranes via cyclodextrin-based host-guest assembly for biofouling control
S Xu, P Wang, Z Sun, C Liu, D Lu, J Qi, J Ma
Journal of Membrane Science 569, 124-136, 2019
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Selectively efficient removal of micropollutants by N-doped carbon modified catalytic ceramic membrane: synergy of membrane confinement and surface reaction
Y Zhen, Z Sun, H Qie, Y Zhang, C Liu, D Lu, W Wang, Y Tian, J Ma
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 324, 122188, 2023
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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