Sadegh Sadeghi
Cryptanalysis of reduced round SKINNY block cipher
S Sadeghi, T Mohammadi, N Bagheri
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 124-162, 2018
Finding the Impossible: Automated Search for Full Impossible-Differential, Zero-Correlation, and Integral Attacks
H Hadipour, S Sadeghi, M Eichlseder
EUROCRYPT 2023 - Annual International Conference on the Theory and …, 2023
Comprehensive security analysis of CRAFT
H Hadipour, S Sadeghi, MM Niknam, L Song, N Bagheri
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 290-317, 2019
Cryptanalysis of reduced QTL block cipher
S Sadeghi, N Bagheri, MA Abdelraheem
Microprocessors and Microsystems 52, 34-48, 2017
Proposing an MILP-based method for the experimental verification of difference-based trails: application to SPECK, SIMECK
S Sadeghi, V Rijmen, N Bagheri
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89 (9), 2113-2155, 2021
Improved Search for Integral, Impossible Differential and Zero-Correlation Attacks: Application to Ascon, ForkSKINNY, SKINNY, MANTIS, PRESENT and QARMAv2
H Hadipour, S Gerhalter, S Sadeghi, M Eichlseder
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2024 (1), 234-325, 2024
Improving RFID/IoT-based generalized ultra-lightweight mutual authentication protocols
M Safkhani, S Rostampour, Y Bendavid, S Sadeghi, N Bagheri
Journal of Information Security and Applications 67, 103194, 2022
Improved zero-correlation and impossible differential cryptanalysis of reduced-round SIMECK block cipher
S Sadeghi, N Bagheri
IET Information Security 12 (4), 314-325, 2018
perbp: a cloud-based lightweight mutual authentication protocol
M Adeli, N Bagheri, S Sadeghi, S Kumari
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 1-18, 2023
Security analysis of SIMECK block cipher against related-key impossible differential
S Sadeghi, N Bagheri
Information Processing Letters 147, 14-21, 2019
SIPFA: Statistical Ineffective Persistent Faults Analysis on Feistel Ciphers
N Bagheri, S Sadeghi, P Ravi, S Bhasin, H Soleimany
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 367-390, 2022
Impossible differential and zero-correlation linear cryptanalysis of Marx, Marx2, Chaskey and Speck32.
M Saberi, N Bagheri, S Sadeghi
2021 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Knowledge …, 2021
An argument on the security of LRBC, a recently proposed lightweight block cipher
S Sadeghi, N Bagheri
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020
Cryptanalysis of full-round SFN Block Cipher a Lightweight Block Cipher, Targeting IoT Systems
S Sadeghi, M Mahmoudzadeh Niknam, N Bagheri, MR Aref
Scientia Iranica, 2023
Investigation of Some Attacks on GAGE (v1), InGAGE (v1), (v1.03), and CiliPadi (v1) Variants
NB Majid Mahmoudzadeh Niknam, Sadegh Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Aref
ISeCure 12 (1), 13-23, 2020
Preimage attack on GAGE variants
SSN Bagheri, S Sadeghi
OFFICIAL Comment, lwc-forum@ list. nist. gov, 2019
Secure and Efficient Lightweight Authentication Protocol (SELAP) for multi-sector IoT applications
A Javadi, S Sadeghi, P Pahlevani, N Bagheri, S Rostampour, Y Bendavid
Internet of Things, 101499, 2025
Cryptanalysis of DBST, a lightweight block cipher
S Sadeghi, N Bagheri
Frontiers of Computer Science 18 (4), 184819, 2024
Improved Search for Integral, Impossible Differential and Zero-Correlation Attacks
H Hadipour, S Gerhalter, S Sadeghi, M Eichlseder
MM Niknam, S Sadeghi, MR Aref, N Bagheri
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