Warren Schenler
Warren Schenler
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Sustainability of electricity supply technology portfolio
S Roth, S Hirschberg, C Bauer, P Burgherr, R Dones, T Heck, W Schenler
Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (3), 409-416, 2009
Sustainability of electricity supply technologies under German conditions: a comparative evaluation
S Hirschberg, R Dones, T Heck, P Burgherr, W Schenler, C Bauer
Paul Scherrer Institut, 2004
Potentials, costs and environmental assessment of electricity generation technologies
C Bauer, S Hirschberg, Y Bäuerle, S Biollaz, A Calbry-Muzyka, B Cox, ...
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). Villigen, Schweiz, 2017
Interdisciplinary assessment of renewable, nuclear and fossil power generation with and without carbon capture and storage in view of the new Swiss energy policy
K Volkart, C Bauer, P Burgherr, S Hirschberg, W Schenler, M Spada
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 54, 1-14, 2016
Comparing the mass, energy, and cost effects of lightweighting in conventional and electric passenger vehicles
J Hofer, E Wilhelm, W Schenler
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems …, 2014
Final report on sustainability assessment of advanced electricity supply options
W Schenler, S Hirschberg, P Burgherr, M Makowski, J Granat
Environmental, economic and social criteria and indicators for sustainability assessment of energy technologies
S Hirschberg, C Bauer, P Burgherr, R Dones, W Schenler, T Bachmann, ...
New energy externalities developments for sustainability consortium, 1-29, 2007
Optimal lightweighting in battery electric vehicles
J Hofer, E Wilhelm, W Schenler
World Electric Vehicle Journal 5 (3), 751-762, 2012
Final set of sustainability criteria and indicators for assessment of electricity supply options
S Hirschberg, C Bauer, P Burgherr, R Dones, A Simons, W Schenler, ...
NEEDS deliverable 3, 2008
Neue erneuerbare Energien und neue Nuklearanlagen: Potenziale und Kosten
S Hirschberg
PSI, 2005
Optimal implementation of lightweighting and powertrain effi ciency technology in passengers' vehicles
E Wilhelm, J Hofer, W Schenler, L Guzzella
Transport 27 (3), 237-249, 2012
ISCHESS–Integration of stochastic renewables in the Swiss electricity supply system
A Fuchs, T Demiray, E Panos, R Kannan, T Kober, C Bauer, W Schenler, ...
ETH Zurich, 2017
Strengths and weaknesses of current energy chains in a sustainable development perspective
S Hirschberg, R Dones, T Heck, P Burgherr, W Schenler, C Bauer
ATW-Internationale Zeitschrift fur Kernenergie 51 (7), 447-457, 2006
Towards an energy efficient and climate compatible future Swiss transportation system
K Boulouchos, F Cellina, B Cox, G Georges, S Hirschberg, M Hoppe, ...
SCCER Mobility. ETHZ, PSI, SUPSI & ZHAW, 2017
Opportunities and challenges for electric mobility: an interdisciplinary assessment of passenger vehicles
S Hirschberg, C Bauer, B Cox, T Heck, J Hofer, W Schenler, A Simons, ...
Final report of the THELMA project in co-operation with the Swiss Competence …, 2016
Final report on indicator database for sustainability assessment of advanced electricity supply options
W Schenler, C Bauer, P Burgherr, S Hirschberg, T Bachmann, ...
Deliverable D10, 2008
Requirement Analysis and Implementation of Multicriteria Analysis in the NEEDS Project
M Makowski, J Granat, H Ren, W Schenler, S Hirschberg
IR-09-009, 2009
Opportunities and challenges for electric mobility: an interdisciplinary assessment of passenger vehicles: Final report of the THELMA project in co-operation with the Swiss …
C Bauer, B Cox, T Heck, S Hirschberg, J Hofer, W Schenler, A Simons, ...
ETH Zurich, 2016
Electric sector simulation: a tradeoff analysis of Shandong province’s electric service options
SR Connors, WW Schenler, CC Cheng, CJ Hansen, AV Gheorghe
Integrated Assessment of Sustainable Energy Systems in China The China …, 2003
Cost savings from extended life nuclear plants
LR Forest Jr, TR Deutsch, WW Schenler
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Data …, 1988
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