Albert Matter
Albert Matter
Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Berne
Верификована је имејл адреса на geo.unibe.ch
Holocene forcing of the Indian monsoon recorded in a stalagmite from southern Oman
D Fleitmann, SJ Burns, M Mudelsee, U Neff, J Kramers, A Mangini, ...
Science 300 (5626), 1737-1739, 2003
Holocene ITCZ and Indian monsoon dynamics recorded in stalagmites from Oman and Yemen (Socotra)
D Fleitmann, SJ Burns, A Mangini, M Mudelsee, J Kramers, I Villa, U Neff, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (1-2), 170-188, 2007
De glauconiarum origine
GS Odin, A Matter
Sandstone diagenesis: recent and ancient, 121-151, 2003
Strong coherence between solar variability and the monsoon in Oman between 9 and 6 kyr ago
U Neff, SJ Burns, A Mangini, M Mudelsee, D Fleitmann, A Matter
Climate Change: Natural forcing factors for climate change timescales 10-1 …, 2002
Lake Sediments: Special Publication 2 of the IAS
A Matter, M Tucker
Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Extinction of Cloudina and Namacalathus at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in Oman
JE Amthor, JP Grotzinger, S Schröder, SA Bowring, J Ramezani, ...
Geology 31 (5), 431-434, 2003
Timing and climatic impact of Greenland interstadials recorded in stalagmites from northern Turkey
D Fleitmann, H Cheng, S Badertscher, RL Edwards, M Mudelsee, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (19), 2009
Turbidites and varves in Lake Brienz (Switzerland): deposition of clastic detritus by density currents
M Sturm, A Matter
Modern and ancient lake sediments,IAS Special Publications 2, 147-168, 2009
Palaeoclimatic interpretation of high-resolution oxygen isotope profiles derived from annually laminated speleothems from Southern Oman
D Fleitmann, SJ Burns, U Neff, M Mudelsee, A Mangini, A Matter
Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 935-945, 2004
Timing and structure of the 8.2 kyr BP event inferred from δ18O records of stalagmites from China, Oman, and Brazil
H Cheng, D Fleitmann, RL Edwards, X Wang, FW Cruz, AS Auler, ...
Geology 37 (11), 1007-1010, 2009
Indian Ocean climate and an absolute chronology over Dansgaard/Oeschger events 9 to 13
SJ Burns, D Fleitmann, A Matter, J Kramers, AA Al-Subbary
Science 301 (5638), 1365-1367, 2003
Speleothem evidence from Oman for continental pluvial events during interglacial periods
SJ Burns, D Fleitmann, A Matter, U Neff, A Mangini
Geology 29 (7), 623-626, 2001
Changing moisture sources over the last 330,000 years in Northern Oman from fluid-inclusion evidence in speleothems
D Fleitmann, SJ Burns, U Neff, A Mangini, A Matter
Quaternary Research 60 (2), 223-232, 2003
Speleothem-based paleoclimate record from northern Oman
SJ Burns, A Matter, N Frank, A Mangini
Geology 26 (6), 499-502, 1998
A 780‐year annually resolved record of Indian Ocean monsoon precipitation from a speleothem from south Oman
SJ Burns, D Fleitmann, M Mudelsee, U Neff, A Matter, A Mangini
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D20), ACL 9-1-ACL 9-9, 2002
Diagenesis and fluid evolution of deeply buried Permian (Rotliegende) gas reservoirs, northwest Germany
R Gaupp, A Matter, J Platt, K Ramseyer, J Walzebuck
AAPG bulletin 77 (7), 1111-1128, 1993
Timing diagenesis in the Tartan Reservoir (UK North Sea): constraints from combined cathodoluminescence microscopy and fluid inclusion studies
SD Burley, JT Mullis, A Matter
Marine and Petroleum Geology 6 (2), 98-120, 1989
Carbon isotopic record of the latest Proterozoic from Oman
SJ Burns, A Matter
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 86 (2), 595-607, 1993
A high-resolution, absolute-dated deglacial speleothem record of Indian Ocean climate from Socotra Island, Yemen
JD Shakun, SJ Burns, D Fleitmann, J Kramers, A Matter, A Al-Subary
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 259 (3-4), 442-456, 2007
Evidence for a widespread climatic anomaly at around 9.2 ka before present
D Fleitmann, M Mudelsee, SJ Burns, RS Bradley, J Kramers, A Matter
Paleoceanography 23 (1), 2008
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