Andrea Alessandri
Andrea Alessandri
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISAC)
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Development of a European multimodel ensemble system for seasonal-to-interannual prediction (DEMETER)
TN Palmer, A Alessandri, U Andersen, P Cantelaube, M Davey, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (6), 853-872, 2004
The EC-earth3 Earth system model for the climate model intercomparison project 6
R Döscher, M Acosta, A Alessandri, P Anthoni, A Arneth, T Arsouze, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2021, 1-90, 2021
ENSEMBLES: A new multi‐model ensemble for seasonal‐to‐annual predictions—Skill and progress beyond DEMETER in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs
A Weisheimer, FJ Doblas‐Reyes, TN Palmer, A Alessandri, A Arribas, ...
Geophysical research letters 36 (21), 2009
Long-term climate change in the Mediterranean region in the midst of decadal variability
A Mariotti, Y Pan, N Zeng, A Alessandri
Climate Dynamics 44, 1437-1456, 2015
LS3MIP (v1. 0) contribution to CMIP6: the Land Surface, Snow and Soil moisture Model Intercomparison Project–aims, setup and expected outcome
B Van den Hurk, H Kim, G Krinner, SI Seneviratne, C Derksen, T Oki, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (8), 2809-2832, 2016
Seasonal climate forecasts for medium-term electricity demand forecasting
M De Felice, A Alessandri, F Catalano
Applied Energy 137, 435-444, 2015
Electricity demand forecasting over Italy: Potential benefits using numerical weather prediction models
M De Felice, A Alessandri, PM Ruti
Electric Power Systems Research 104, 71-79, 2013
Effects of increased CO2 levels on monsoons
A Cherchi, A Alessandri, S Masina, A Navarra
Climate Dynamics 37, 83-101, 2011
Robust assessment of the expansion and retreat of Mediterranean climate in the 21st century
A Alessandri, M De Felice, N Zeng, A Mariotti, Y Pan, A Cherchi, JY Lee, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 7211, 2014
Comparing concentration‐based (AOT40) and stomatal uptake (PODY) metrics for ozone risk assessment to European forests
A Anav, A De Marco, C Proietti, A Alessandri, A Dell'Aquila, I Cionni, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (4), 1608-1627, 2016
Global and regional ocean carbon uptake and climate change: sensitivity to a substantial mitigation scenario
M Vichi, E Manzini, PG Fogli, A Alessandri, L Patara, E Scoccimarro, ...
Climate dynamics 37, 1929-1947, 2011
Evaluation of probabilistic quality and value of the ENSEMBLES multimodel seasonal forecasts: Comparison with DEMETER
A Alessandri, A Borrelli, A Navarra, A Arribas, M Déqué, P Rogel, ...
Monthly Weather Review 139 (2), 581-607, 2011
INGV-CMCC carbon (ICC): a carbon cycle earth system model
PG Fogli, E Manzini, M Vichi, A Alessandri, L Patara, S Gualdi, ...
CMCC Research Paper, 2009
On the coupling between vegetation and rainfall inter‐annual anomalies: Possible contributions to seasonal rainfall predictability over land areas
A Alessandri, A Navarra
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (2), 2008
The INGV–CMCC seasonal prediction system: improved ocean initial conditions
A Alessandri, A Borrelli, S Masina, A Cherchi, S Gualdi, A Navarra, ...
Monthly weather review 138 (7), 2930-2952, 2010
A summer climate regime over Europe modulated by the North Atlantic Oscillation
G Wang, AJ Dolman, A Alessandri
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (1), 57-64, 2011
The sensitivity of simulated river discharge to land surface representation and meteorological forcings
S Materia, PA Dirmeyer, Z Guo, A Alessandri, A Navarra
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (2), 334-351, 2010
v. Hardenberg, J., Hieronymus, J., Karami, MP, Keskinen, J
R Döscher, M Acosta, A Alessandri, P Anthoni, T Arsouze, T Bergman, ...
P., Koenigk, T., Makkonen, R., Massonnet, F., Ménégoz, M., Miller, PA …, 2022
Impact of atmosphere and land surface initial conditions on seasonal forecasts of global surface temperature
S Materia, A Borrelli, A Bellucci, A Alessandri, P Di Pietro, P Athanasiadis, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (24), 9253-9271, 2014
Long-lead statistical forecasts of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall based on causal precursors
G Di Capua, M Kretschmer, J Runge, A Alessandri, RV Donner, ...
Weather and Forecasting 34 (5), 1377-1394, 2019
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