Michele Lanza
Michele Lanza
Software Institute @ University of Lugano | Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
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Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice - Using Software Metrics to Characterize, Evaluate, and Improve the Design of Object-Oriented Systems
M Lanza, R Marinescu
Springer, 2006
An Extensive Comparison of Bug Prediction Approaches
M D'Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes
MSR 2010 (7th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories), 31-41, 2010
Evaluating Defect Prediction Approaches: A Benchmark and an Extensive Comparison
M D’Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes
Empirical Software Engineering 17 (4-5), 531-577, 2012
Polymetric Views - A Lightweight Visual Approach to Reverse Engineering
M Lanza, S Ducasse
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29 (9), 782-795, 2003
Visualizing Software Systems as Cities
R Wettel, M Lanza
VISSOFT 2007 (4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software For …, 2007
Software Systems as Cities: A Controlled Experiment
R Wettel, M Lanza, R Robbes
ICSE 2011 (33rd International Conference on Software Engineering), 551-560, 2011
Mining StackOverflow to Turn the IDE into a Self-confident Programming Prompter
L Ponzanelli, G Bavota, M Di Penta, R Oliveto, M Lanza
MSR 2014 (11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories), 102-111, 2014
The Evolution Matrix: Recovering Software Evolution using Software Visualization Techniques
M Lanza
IWPSE 2001 (4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution …, 2001
Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering: How Far Can We Go?
B Lin, F Zampetti, G Bavota, M Di Penta, M Lanza, R Oliveto
ICSE 2018 (40th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering), 2018
I Know What You Did Last Summer - An Investigation of How Developers Spend Their Time
R Minelli, A Mocci, M Lanza
ICPC 2015 (23rd IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension), 25-35, 2015
Software documentation issues unveiled
E Aghajani, C Nagy, OL Vega-Márquez, M Linares-Vásquez, L Moreno, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2019
Linking E-Mails and Source Code Artifacts
A Bacchelli, M Lanza, R Robbes
ICSE 2010 (32nd International Conference on Software Engineering), 375-384, 2010
Visualizing Multiple Evolution Metrics
M Pinzger, H Gall, M Fischer, M Lanza
SoftVis 2005 (2nd International ACM Symposium on Software Visualization), 67-75, 2005
Syde: A Tool for Collaborative Software Development
L Hattori, M Lanza
ICSE 2010 (32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2010
How Program History Can Improve Code Completion
R Robbes, M Lanza
ASE 2008 (23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2008
On the Nature of Commits
L Hattori, M Lanza
EVOL 2008 (4th International ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution and …, 2008
CodeCity: 3D Visualization of Large-Scale Software
R Wettel, M Lanza
ICSE 2008 (30th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2008
Communication in Open Source Software Development Mailing Lists
A Guzzi, A Bacchelli, M Lanza, M Pinzger, A van Deursen
MSR 2013 (10th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories), 277-286, 2013
On the Impact of Design Flaws on Software Defects
M D'Ambros, A Bacchelli, M Lanza
QSIC 2010 (10th International Conference on Quality Software), 23-31, 2010
Yesterday's Weather: Guiding Early Reverse Engineering Efforts by Summarizing the Evolution of Changes
T Girba, S Ducasse, M Lanza
ICSM 2004 (20th International Conference on Software Maintenance), 40-49, 2004
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