Lena de Botton
Lena de Botton
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Globalization of racism
D Macedo, P Gounari
Routledge, 2015
The inclusion of other women: Breaking the silence through dialogic learning
L De Botton, L Puigvert, M Sánchez-Aroca
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts: Evidence of the success of cyberbullying prevention in a primary school in Catalonia
B Villarejo-Carballido, CM Pulido, L de Botton, O Serradell
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (6), 918, 2019
El velo elegido
L De Botton, L Puigvert
El Roure, 2004
Moroccan mothers’ involvement in dialogic literary gatherings in a Catalan urban primary school: Increasing educative interactions and improving learning
L De Botton, S Girbés, L Ruiz, I Tellado
Improving schools 17 (3), 241-249, 2014
Cultural intelligence to overcome educational exclusion
E Oliver, L De Botton, M Soler, B Merrill
Qualitative Inquiry 17 (3), 267-276, 2011
The language of ethics and double standards in the affective and sexual socialization of youth. Communicative acts in the family environment as protective or risk factors of …
O Ríos-González, JC Peña Axt, E Duque Sánchez, ...
Frontiers in Sociology 3, 19, 2018
La dimensión instrumental en las comunidades de aprendizaje
L De Botton
Intangible capital 11 (3), 305-371, 2015
Creating learning environments free of violence in special education through the dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts
E Duque, S Carbonell, L De Botton, E Roca-Campos
Frontiers in psychology 12, 662831, 2021
Not without them: The inclusion of minors’ voices on cyber harassment prevention
G Redondo-Sama, MA Pulido-Rodríguez, R Larena, L de Botton
Qualitative Inquiry 20 (7), 895-901, 2014
Evidencias científicas para la formación inicial del profesorado en prevención y detección precoz de la violencia de género
L de Botton Fernández, IP Aguadé, I de Vicente Zueras
RIFOP: Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación …, 2012
The Montserrat’s neighbourhood dream: involving Moroccan residents in a school-based community development process in urban Spain
S Girbés-Peco, AI Renta-Davids, L De Botton, P Álvarez-Cifuentes
Social & Cultural Geography 21 (5), 674-696, 2020
Spaces free of violence: the key role of Moroccan women in conflict prevention in schools. A case study
O Serradell, M Ramis, L De Botton, C Solé
Journal of gender studies 29 (2), 161-173, 2020
Une nouvelle laïcité multiculturelle
MÁ Pulido Rodríguez, L de Botton Fernández
RIMCIS. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2013 …, 2013
El éxito escolar no depende de la proporción de inmigrantes sino de la aplicación de las actuaciones de éxito
L de Botton Fernández, AFF de Sanmamed, LP Mallart
Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE 2 (3), 45-55, 2009
Media manipulation against social justice researchers: second-order sexual harassment
A Madrid, M Joanpere, L de Botton, R Campdepadrós
Qualitative Inquiry 26 (8-9), 983-988, 2020
The role of communicative acts in the Dream process: engaging Moroccan migrants in a community development initiative in urban Spain
A Carrillo, S Girbés-Peco, L De Botton, R Valls-Carol
Community Development Journal 54 (2), 197-214, 2019
Teoría crítica del radical love
L De Botton, E Oliver
Teoría de la Educación. Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información …, 2009
Communicative Methodology of Research with Minority Groups: The Roma Women's Movement
M Sánchez, M Yuste, L de Botton, R Kostic
International Review of Qualitative Research 6 (2), 226-238, 2013
Actuaciones de éxito para superar la exclusión a través de la participación de la comunidad. La transformación del ghetto
A Muñoz, L de Botton Fernández
Trabajo social global-Global Social Work: Revista de investigaciones en …, 2013
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