ana lamo
How are firms’ wages and prices linked: survey evidence in Europe
M Druant, S Fabiani, G Kezdi, A Lamo, F Martins, R Sabbatini
NBB Working Paper, 2009
Firms' price and wage adjustment in Europe: Survey evidence on nominal stickiness
M Druant, S Fabiani, G Kezdi, A Lamo, F Martins, R Sabbatini
Labour Economics 19 (5), 772-782, 2012
Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: what do cross-country time varying data add to the picture?
P Du Caju, A Lamo, S Poelhekke, G Kátay, D Nicolitsas
Journal of the European Economic Association 8 (2-3), 478-486, 2010
On convergence empirics: same evidence for Spanish regions
A Lamo
Investigaciones Económicas 24 (3), 681-707, 2000
Are specific skills an obstacle to labor market adjustment?
A Lamo, J Messina, E Wasmer
Labour Economics 18 (2), 240-256, 2011
Public or private sector wage leadership? An international perspective
A Lamo, JJ Pérez, L Schuknecht
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 114 (1), 228-244, 2012
The gender promotion gap: Evidence from central banking
L Hospido, L Laeven, A Lamo
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (5), 981-996, 2022
The cyclicality of consumption, wages and employment of the public sector in the euro area
A Lamo, JJ Pérez, L Schuknecht
Applied Economics 45 (12), 1551-1569, 2013
European women: why do (n’t) they work?
V Genre, RG Salvador, A Lamo
Applied Economics 42 (12), 1499-1514, 2010
European firm adjustment during times of economic crisis
S Fabiani, A Lamo, J Messina, T Rõõm
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 4, 1-28, 2015
Public and private sector wages: co-movement and causality
A Lamo, JJ Pérez, L Schuknecht
ECB working paper, 2008
Formal education, mismatch and wages after transition: Assessing the impact of unobserved heterogeneity using matching estimators
A Lamo, J Messina
Economics of Education Review 29 (6), 1086-1099, 2010
Public wages in the euro area: towards securing stability and competitiveness
F Holm-Hadulla, K Kamath, A Lamo, JJ Pérez, L Schuknecht
ECB Occasional Paper, 2010
The macroeconomics of education
E Wasmer, P Fredriksson, A Lamo, J Messina, G Peri
VII European Conference-Education and Training in Europe, 2005
New technologies and jobs in Europe
S Albanesi, AD Da Silva, JF Jimeno, A Lamo, A Wabitsch
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Labour market adjustment in Europe during the crisis: microeconomic evidence from the Wage Dynamics Network survey
M Izquierdo, JF Jimeno, T Kosma, A Lamo, S Millard, T Rõõm, E Viviano
Wage rigidities and labor market adjustment in Europe
S Fabiani, C Kwapil, T Rõõm, K Galuscak, A Lamo
Journal of the European Economic Association 8 (2-3), 497-505, 2010
Un modelo del mercado de trabajo y la restricción de oferta en la economía española
JJ Dolado, A Lamo
Are government wages interlinked with private sector wages?
A Lamo, JJ Pérez, L Schuknecht
Journal of Policy Modeling 35 (5), 697-712, 2013
Nominal wage rigidity in the EU countries before and after the Great Recession: evidence from the WDN surveys
E Branten, A Lamo, T Room
ECB Working Paper, 2018
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