Ida Maria Haugstveit
Ida Maria Haugstveit
SINTEF Digital, Dep. Software and Service Innovation, HCI
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Help! Is my chatbot falling into the uncanny valley? An empirical study of user experience in human–chatbot interaction
M Skjuve, IM Haugstveit, A Følstad, P Brandtzaeg
Human Technology 15 (1), 30–54-30–54, 2019
Facebook likes: A study of liking practices for humanitarian causes
PB Brandtzaeg, IM Haugstveit
International Journal of Web Based Communities 10 (3), 258-279, 2014
Key challenges in multiagency collaboration during large-scale emergency management
AW Eide, IM Haugstveit, R Halvorsrud, JH Skjetne, M Stiso
AmI for crisis management, international joint conference on ambient …, 2012
Components of a visual language for service design
R Halvorsrud, E Lee, IM Haugstveit, A Følstad
ServDes. 2014 Service Future, Proceedings of the fourth Service Design and …, 2014
Supporting redesign of C2C services through customer journey mapping
IM Haugstveit, R Halvorsrud, A Karahasanovic
Service Design Geographies. Proceedings of the ServDes. 2016 Conference 125 …, 2016
How should organizations adapt to youth civic engagement in social media? A lead user approach
PB Brandtzaeg, IM Haugstveit, M Lüders, A Følstad
Interacting with Computers 28 (5), 664-679, 2016
Evaluation of a modelling language for customer journeys
R Halvorsrud, IM Haugstveit, A Pultier
2016 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2016
Inter-organizational collaboration structures during emergency response: A case study.
AW Eide, IM Haugstveit, R Halvorsrud, M Borén
ISCRAM, 2013
Participation barriers to youth civic engagement in social media
P Brandtzæg, IM Haugstveit, M Lüders, A Følstad
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 9 …, 2015
Customer support as a source of usability insight: why users call support after visiting self-service websites
A Følstad, K Kvale, IM Haugstveit
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
Automation in human-machine networks: how increasing machine agency affects human agency
A Følstad, V Engen, IM Haugstveit, JB Pickering
Man-Machine Interactions 5: 5th International Conference on Man-Machine …, 2018
Design feedback from users through an online social platform: benefits and limitations
A Følstad, I Maria Haugstveit, K Kvale, A Karahasanovic
Interacting with Computers 28 (4), 421-436, 2016
Practitioner-Centered, Long-Term Testing of an ICT-based Triage System for Emergency Management.
IM Haugstveit, EL Rake, AW Eide
ISCRAM, 2015
Sharing economy services as human-machine networks: Implications for policy making
A Følstad, M Skjuve, IM Haugstveit, TC Lech
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2018
Design and evaluation of an electronic triage system for prehospital monitoring of patients
IM Haugstveit, AW Eide, AE Liverud, EL Rake, SH Dalgard, J Vedum, ...
International Journal of Emergency Management 13 (4), 328-348, 2017
Supporting Collaboration in Human-Machine Crisis Management Networks
IM Haugstveit, M Skjuve
Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction in Context: 20th International …, 2018
Interdisciplinary Team Collaboration Within the Incident Command Post: A Case Study of Oslo and South-Eastern Norway
IM Haugstveit
HUMANE D4. 4-Final roadmap of future human-machine networks
E Jaho, M Klitsi, N Sarris, A Folstad, TC Lech, IM Haugstveit, M Skjuve, ...
ATC, 2017
Involving users in the design of sharing economy services
A Følstad, D Chasanidou, IM Haugstveit, R Halvorsrud
Internet Science: 4th International Conference, INSCI 2017, Thessaloniki …, 2017
Delt situasjonsforståelse under søk og redning i nordområdene
IM Haugstveit, JH Skjetne, S Walderhaug, MB Ellingsen, N Håheim-Saers, ...
SINTEF Rapport, 2016
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