Adnane Osmane
Adnane Osmane
Associate Professor of Physics, University of Helsinki
Верификована је имејл адреса на helsinki.fi
Relativistic electrons produced by foreshock disturbances observed upstream of Earth’s bow shock
LB Wilson III, DG Sibeck, DL Turner, A Osmane, D Caprioli, ...
Physical review letters 117 (21), 215101, 2016
Autogenous and efficient acceleration of energetic ions upstream of Earth’s bow shock
DL Turner, LB Wilson III, TZ Liu, IJ Cohen, SJ Schwartz, A Osmane, ...
Nature 561 (7722), 206-210, 2018
A statistical study of the dawn‐dusk asymmetry of ion temperature anisotropy and mirror mode occurrence in the terrestrial dayside magnetosheath using THEMIS data
AP Dimmock, A Osmane, TI Pulkkinen, K Nykyri
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (7), 5489-5503, 2015
Electron energy partition across interplanetary shocks. I. Methodology and data product
LB Wilson III, LJ Chen, S Wang, SJ Schwartz, DL Turner, ML Stevens, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243 (1), 8, 2019
Influence of velocity fluctuations on the Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability and its associated mass transport
K Nykyri, X Ma, A Dimmock, C Foullon, A Otto, A Osmane
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (9), 9489-9512, 2017
Solar wind properties and geospace impact of coronal mass ejection‐driven sheath regions: Variation and driver dependence
EKJ Kilpua, D Fontaine, C Moissard, M Ala‐Lahti, E Palmerio, ...
Space Weather 17 (8), 1257-1280, 2019
A statistical study into the spatial distribution and dawn‐dusk asymmetry of dayside magnetosheath ion temperatures as a function of upstream solar wind conditions
AP Dimmock, K Nykyri, H Karimabadi, A Osmane, TI Pulkkinen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (4), 2767-2782, 2015
Electron energy partition across interplanetary shocks. II. Statistics
LB Wilson, LJ Chen, S Wang, SJ Schwartz, DL Turner, ML Stevens, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245 (2), 24, 2019
FORESAIL‐1 CubeSat Mission to measure radiation belt losses and demonstrate deorbiting
M Palmroth, J Praks, R Vainio, P Janhunen, EKJ Kilpua, A Afanasiev, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (7), 5783-5799, 2019
Radial evolution of magnetic field fluctuations in an interplanetary coronal mass ejection sheath
SW Good, M Ala-Lahti, E Palmerio, EKJ Kilpua, A Osmane
The Astrophysical Journal 893 (2), 110, 2020
Statistical analysis of mirror mode waves in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection
MM Ala-Lahti, EKJ Kilpua, AP Dimmock, A Osmane, T Pulkkinen, ...
Annales Geophysicae 36 (3), 793-808, 2018
Magnetic field fluctuation properties of coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions in the near-Earth solar wind
EKJ Kilpua, D Fontaine, SW Good, M Ala-Lahti, A Osmane, E Palmerio, ...
Annales Geophysicae 38 (5), 999-1017, 2020
Electron energy partition across interplanetary shocks. III. Analysis
LB Wilson, LJ Chen, S Wang, SJ Schwartz, DL Turner, ML Stevens, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 893 (1), 22, 2020
The impact of solar wind ULF Bz fluctuations on geomagnetic activity for viscous timescales during strongly northward and southward IMF
A Osmane, AP Dimmock, R Naderpour, TI Pulkkinen, K Nykyri
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (11), 9307-9322, 2015
On the connection between microbursts and nonlinear electronic structures in planetary radiation belts
A Osmane, LB Wilson III, L Blum, TI Pulkkinen
The Astrophysical Journal 816 (2), 51, 2016
Magnetosheath jet evolution as a function of lifetime: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulations compared to MMS observations
M Palmroth, S Raptis, J Suni, T Karlsson, L Turc, A Johlander, U Ganse, ...
Annales Geophysicae 39 (2), 289-308, 2021
Magnetosheath control of solar wind‐magnetosphere coupling efficiency
TI Pulkkinen, AP Dimmock, A Lakka, A Osmane, E Kilpua, M Myllys, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (9), 8728-8739, 2016
Universal properties of mirror mode turbulence in the Earth's magnetosheath
A Osmane, AP Dimmock, TI Pulkkinen
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (9), 3085-3092, 2015
Formation of foreshock transients and associated secondary shocks
X An, TZ Liu, J Bortnik, A Osmane, V Angelopoulos
The Astrophysical Journal 901 (1), 73, 2020
Outer radiation belt and inner magnetospheric response to sheath regions of coronal mass ejections: A statistical analysis
MMH Kalliokoski, EKJ Kilpua, A Osmane, DL Turner, AN Jaynes, L Turc, ...
Annales Geophysicae Discussions 2019, 1-25, 2019
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