Ashley Gunter
Ashley Gunter
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The same course, different access: the digital divide between urban and rural distance education students in South Africa
R Lembani, A Gunter, M Breines, MTB Dalu
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 1-15, 2020
Conceptualizing internationalization at a distance: A “third category” of university internationalization
J Mittelmeier, B Rienties, A Gunter, P Raghuram
Journal of Studies in International Education 25 (3), 266-282, 2021
WhatsApp use among African international distance education (IDE) students: transferring, translating and transforming educational experiences
C Madge, MR Breines, MTB Dalu, A Gunter, J Mittelmeier, P Prinsloo, ...
Learning, Media and Technology 44 (3), 267-282, 2019
Internationalisation at a Distance and at Home: Academic and social adjustment in a South African distance learning context
J Mittelmeier, B Rienties, J Rogaten, A Gunter, P Raghuram
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 72, 1-12, 2019
International study in the global south: Linking institutional, staff, student and knowledge mobilities
A Gunter, P Raghuram
Globalisation, Societies and Education 16 (2), 192-207, 2018
Infrastructures of immobility: enabling international distance education students in Africa to not move
M Roos Breines, P Raghuram, A Gunter
Mobilities 14 (4), 484-499, 2019
Race, gangs and youth violence
A Gunter
Policy Press, 2017
Grafting, going to college and working on road: Youth transitions and cultures in an East London neighbourhood
A Gunter, P Watt
Young people, class and place, 58-72, 2013
Beyond# FeesMustFall: International students, fees and everyday agency in the era of decolonisation
P Raghuram, MR Breines, A Gunter
Geoforum 109, 95-105, 2020
Renting shacks: Landlords and tenants in the informal
A Gunter
Urbani izziv 25 (Supp), 2014
Renting Shacks: Tenancy in the informal housing sector of the Gauteng Province, South Africa
AG Gunter, RM Massey
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 25-34, 2017
Learning design in diverse institutional and cultural contexts: Suggestions from a participatory workshop with higher education professionals in Africa
J Mittelmeier, D Long, FM Cin, K Reedy, A Gunter, P Raghuram, ...
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 33 (3), 250-266, 2018
Creating co-sovereigns through the provision of low cost housing: The case of Johannesburg, South Africa
A Gunter
Habitat International 39, 278-283, 2013
Understanding the early adjustment experiences of undergraduate distance education students in South Africa
J Mittelmeier, J Rogaten, D Long, M Dalu, A Gunter, P Prinsloo, B Rienties
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20 (3), 2019
Integrated development plans and local economic development: the case of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa
A Gunter
Africa insight 35 (4), 32-38, 2005
Migration intentions of international distance education students studying from a South African institution: unpacking potential brain drain
J Mittelmeier, A Gunter, P Raghuram, B Rienties
Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-19, 2022
Distance Education as sociomaterial assemblage: place, distribution and aggregation
A Gunter, P Raghuram, M Breines, P Prinsloo
Population, Space and Place 26 (3), 2020
A role for housing in development: Using housing as a catalyst for development in South Africa
A Gunter, K Manuel
Local Economy 31 (1-2), 312-321, 2016
Stadium upgrades as local economic development: the fallacy of the Ellis Park Sports Precinct upgrade as LED
A Gunter
South African Geographical Journal 93 (1), 75-88, 2011
Shifting sands: The decoloniality of geography and its curriculum in South Africa
D Long, MS Dalu, RL Lembani, A Gunter
South African Journal of Science 115 (9-10), 1-3, 2019
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