Peter J. Haproff, Ph.D.
Peter J. Haproff, Ph.D.
Верификована је имејл адреса на uncw.edu
Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic cooling history of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its foreland derived from low-temperature thermochronology
C Wu, AV Zuza, J Li, PJ Haproff, A Yin, X Chen, L Ding, B Li
Bulletin 133 (11-12), 2393-2417, 2021
West-directed thrusting south of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis indicates clockwise crustal flow at the indenter corner during the India-Asia collision
PJ Haproff, AV Zuza, A Yin
Tectonophysics 722, 277-285, 2018
A non–plate tectonic model for the Eoarchean Isua supracrustal belt
AAG Webb, T Müller, J Zuo, PJ Haproff, A Ramírez-Salazar
Lithosphere 12 (1), 166-179, 2020
Geologic framework of the northern Indo-Burma Ranges and lateral correlation of Himalayan-Tibetan lithologic units across the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
PJ Haproff, AV Zuza, A Yin, TM Harrison, CE Manning, CS Dubey, L Ding, ...
Geosphere 15 (3), 856-881, 2019
Accommodation of India–Asia convergence via strike-slip faulting and block rotation in the Qilian Shan fold–thrust belt, northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
F Cheng, AV Zuza, PJ Haproff, C Wu, C Neudorf, H Chang, X Li, B Li
Journal of the Geological Society 178 (3), jgs2020-207, 2021
Punctuated orogeny during the assembly of Asia: Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the North China craton and the Qilian Shan from the Paleoproterozoic to early Paleozoic
C Wu, AV Zuza, A Yin, X Chen, PJ Haproff, J Li, B Li, L Ding
Tectonics 40 (4), e2020TC006503, 2021
Proterozoic–phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Qilian shan and Eastern kunlun range, northern Tibet
C Wu, J Li, AV Zuza, PJ Haproff, X Chen, L Ding
Bulletin 134 (9-10), 2179-2205, 2022
Tectonic evolution of the Beishan orogen in central Asia: Subduction, accretion, and continent-continent collision during the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
J Li, C Wu, X Chen, AV Zuza, PJ Haproff, A Yin, Z Shao
Bulletin 135 (3-4), 819-851, 2023
Structural and thermochronologic constraints on the cenozoic tectonic development of the northern Indo‐Burma Ranges
PJ Haproff, ML Odlum, AV Zuza, A Yin, DF Stockli
Tectonics 39 (9), e2020TC006231, 2020
Kinematic evolution of a continental collision: Constraining the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen via bulk strain rates
AV Zuza, Y Gavillot, PJ Haproff, C Wu
Tectonophysics 797, 228642, 2020
Early Permian tectonic evolution of the Last Chance thrust system: An example of induced subduction initiation along a plate boundary transform
DA Levy, AV Zuza, PJ Haproff, ML Odlum
Bulletin 133 (5-6), 1105-1127, 2021
Paleoproterozoic plate tectonics recorded in the Northern Margin orogen, North China craton
C Wu, G Wang, Z Zhou, PJ Haproff, AV Zuza, W Liu
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (11), e2022GC010662, 2022
Paleoproterozoic–Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Longshou Shan, western North China craton
C Wu, J Li, AV Zuza, PJ Haproff, A Yin, L Ding
Geosphere 18 (3), 1177-1193, 2022
Late Archean–Paleoproterozoic plate tectonics along the northern margin of the North China craton
C Wu, G Wang, Z Zhou, X Zhao, PJ Haproff
Bulletin 135 (3-4), 967-989, 2023
Tectonics of the Isua Supracrustal Belt 1: P‐T‐X‐d constraints of a poly‐metamorphic terrane
A Ramírez‐Salazar, T Müller, S Piazolo, AAG Webb, C Hauzenberger, ...
Tectonics 40 (3), e2020TC006516, 2021
Tectonics of the Isua supracrustal belt 2: Microstructures reveal distributed strain in the absence of major fault structures
J Zuo, AAG Webb, S Piazolo, Q Wang, T Müller, A Ramírez‐Salazar, ...
Tectonics 40 (3), e2020TC006514, 2021
Spatially variable syn-and post-Alleghanian exhumation of the central Appalachian Mountains from zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
LC Basler, JS Baughman, ML Fame, PJ Haproff
Geosphere 17 (4), 1151-1169, 2021
Sourcing sandstone cobble grinding tools in southern California using petrography, U–Pb geochronology, and Hf isotope geochemistry
MM Burton, AA Muniz, PL Abbott, DL Kimbrough, PJ Haproff, GE Gehrels, ...
Journal of archaeological science 50, 273-287, 2014
Tectono-stratigraphic framework and evolution of East Junggar Basin, Central Asia
X Li, G Chen, C Wu, J Li, PJ Haproff, M Geng, S Wu, S Xu, Z Li, D Yang
Tectonophysics 851, 229758, 2023
Structure and provenance of the Cretaceous Pingshanhu Basin in the Hexi Corridor: Implications for Mesozoic tectonics in the northern Tibetan Plateau
W Liu, C Wu, J Li, C Zhang, T Jiang, AV Zuza, PJ Haproff, X Chen, Y Yue
Geosphere 20 (2), 421-450, 2024
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