Danny Osborne
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes toward government, and well-being.
CG Sibley, LM Greaves, N Satherley, MS Wilson, NC Overall, CHJ Lee, ...
American psychologist 75 (5), 618, 2020
Teachers' explicit expectations and implicit prejudiced attitudes to educational achievement: Relations with student achievement and the ethnic achievement gap
ER Peterson, C Rubie-Davies, D Osborne, C Sibley
Learning and Instruction 42, 123-140, 2016
Personality and political orientation: Meta-analysis and test of a Threat-Constraint Model
CG Sibley, D Osborne, J Duckitt
Journal of Research in Personality 46 (6), 664-667, 2012
Missing in (collective) action: Ideology, system justification, and the motivational antecedents of two types of protest behavior
JT Jost, J Becker, D Osborne, V Badaan
Current Directions in Psychological Science 26 (2), 99-108, 2017
An Attributional Analysis of Reactions to Poverty: The Political Ideology of the Giver and the Perceived Morality of the Receiver
B Weiner, D Osborne, U Rudolph
Personality and Social Psychology Review 15 (2), 199-213, 2011
Protesting to challenge or defend the system? A system justification perspective on collective action
D Osborne, JT Jost, JC Becker, V Badaan, CG Sibley
European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (2), 244-269, 2019
Through Rose-Colored Glasses: System-Justifying Beliefs Dampen the Effects of Relative Deprivation on Well-Being and Political Mobilization
D Osborne, CG Sibley
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (8), 991-1004, 2013
Testing the social identity model of collective action longitudinally and across structurally disadvantaged and advantaged groups
EF Thomas, E Zubielevitch, CG Sibley, D Osborne
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (6), 823-838, 2020
Authoritarianism and national identity: Examining the longitudinal effects of SDO and RWA on nationalism and patriotism
D Osborne, P Milojev, CG Sibley
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (8), 1086-1099, 2017
What is central to political belief system networks?
MJ Brandt, CG Sibley, D Osborne
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (9), 1352-1364, 2019
Attitudes towards redistribution and the interplay between perceptions and beliefs about inequality
E García‐Sánchez, D Osborne, GB Willis, R Rodríguez‐Bailón
British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (1), 111-136, 2020
Benevolent sexism, attitudes toward motherhood, and reproductive rights: A multi-study longitudinal examination of abortion attitudes
Y Huang, PG Davies, CG Sibley, D Osborne
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (7), 970-984, 2016
More Than a Feeling: Discrete Emotions Mediate the Relationship Between Relative Deprivation and Reactions to Workplace Furloughs
D Osborne, HJ Smith, YJ Huo
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (5), 628-641, 2012
News exposure predicts anti-Muslim prejudice
JH Shaver, CG Sibley, D Osborne, J Bulbulia
PloS one 12 (3), e0174606, 2017
Demographic and psychological predictors of panel attrition: Evidence from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
N Satherley, P Milojev, LM Greaves, Y Huang, D Osborne, J Bulbulia, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0121950, 2015
The end of the solidly democratic South: The impressionable‐years hypothesis
D Osborne, DO Sears, NA Valentino
Political Psychology 32 (1), 81-108, 2011
“We look (and feel) better through system-justifying lenses”: System-justifying beliefs attenuate the well-being gap between the advantaged and disadvantaged by reducing …
J Bahamondes, CG Sibley, D Osborne
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (9), 1391-1408, 2019
“We want you in the workplace, but only in a skirt!” Social dominance orientation, gender-based affirmative action and the moderating role of benevolent sexism
G Fraser, D Osborne, CG Sibley
Sex Roles 73, 231-244, 2015
Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation predict different moral signatures
P Milojev, D Osborne, LM Greaves, J Bulbulia, MS Wilson, CL Davies, ...
Social Justice Research 27, 149-174, 2014
Perceived discrimination predicts increased support for political rights and life satisfaction mediated by ethnic identity: A longitudinal analysis.
S Stronge, NK Sengupta, FK Barlow, D Osborne, CA Houkamau, ...
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 22 (3), 359, 2016
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