Onook Oh
Onook Oh
Associate Professor, Information Systems Program, University of Colorado Denver
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Community intelligence and social media services: A rumor theoretic analysis of tweets during social crises
O Oh, M Agrawal, HR Rao
MIS quarterly, 407-426, 2013
Rules of crowdsourcing: Models, issues, and systems of control
GD Saxton, O Oh, R Kishore
Information systems management 30 (1), 2-20, 2013
An exploration of social media in extreme events: Rumor theory and Twitter during the Haiti earthquake 2010
O Oh, KH Kwon, HR Rao
Conceptual foundations of crowdsourcing: A review of IS research
J Pedersen, D Kocsis, A Tripathi, A Tarrell, A Weerakoon, N Tahmasbi, ...
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 579-588, 2013
Information control and terrorism: Tracking the Mumbai terrorist attack through twitter
O Oh, M Agrawal, HR Rao
Information Systems Frontiers 13, 33-43, 2011
Research Note—Role of Social Media in Social Change: An Analysis of Collective Sense Making During the 2011 Egypt Revolution
O Oh, C Eom, HR Rao
Information Systems Research 26 (1), 210-223, 2015
A theoretical model of user engagement in crowdsourcing
T De Vreede, C Nguyen, GJ De Vreede, I Boughzala, O Oh, ...
Collaboration and Technology: 19th International Conference, CRIWG 2013 …, 2013
Online review consistency matters: An elaboration likelihood model perspective
N Aghakhani, O Oh, DG Gregg, J Karimi
Information Systems Frontiers 23, 1287-1301, 2021
Audience gatekeeping in the Twitter service: An investigation of tweets about the 2009 Gaza conflict
KH Kwon, O Oh, M Agrawal, HR Rao
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 4 (4), 212-229, 2012
Using a Heuristic-Systematic Model to assess the Twitter user profile’s impact on disaster tweet credibility
J Son, J Lee, O Oh, HK Lee, J Woo
International Journal of Information Management 54, 102176, 2020
Crowdsourcing: A snapshot of published research
A Tarrell, N Tahmasbi, D Kocsis, A Tripathi, J Pedersen, J Xiong, O Oh, ...
ICT mediated rumor beliefs and resulting user actions during a community crisis
O Oh, P Gupta, M Agrawal, HR Rao
Government Information Quarterly 35 (2), 243-258, 2018
Influence in Social Media: An Investigation of Tweets Spanning the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.
S Venkatesan, R Valecha, N Yaraghi, O Oh, HR Rao
Mis Quarterly 45 (4), 2021
An exploration of collaboration over time in collective crisis response during the Haiti 2010 earthquake
R Valecha, O Oh, R Rao
How review quality and source credibility interacts to affect review usefulness: an expansion of the elaboration likelihood model
N Aghakhani, O Oh, D Gregg, H Jain
Information Systems Frontiers 25 (4), 1513-1531, 2023
Participant engagement in community crowdsourcing
C Nguyen, N Tahmasbi, T De Vreede, GJ De Vreede, O Oh, ...
Making the material routine: a sociomaterial study of the relationship between police body worn cameras (BWCs) and organisational routines
K Guzik, A Sesay, O Oh, R Ramirez, T Tong
Policing and society 31 (1), 100-115, 2021
Beyond the review sentiment: The effect of review accuracy and review consistency on review usefulness
N Aghakhani, O Oh, D Gregg
Collective sense-making through the twitter service during the 2011 egypt revolution
O Oh, C Eom, HR Rao
Understanding sociomateriality through the lens of assemblage theory: Examples from police body-worn cameras
A Sesay, OO Oh, R Ramirez
International Conference on Information Systems, 2016
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