Recent advances in 3D printing of porous ceramics: A review LC Hwa, S Rajoo, AM Noor, N Ahmad, MB Uday Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 21 (6), 323-347, 2017 | 385 | 2017 |
Electroencephalographic motor imagery brain connectivity analysis for BCI: a review M Hamedi, SH Salleh, AM Noor Neural computation 28 (6), 999-1041, 2016 | 260 | 2016 |
Neural network-based three-class motor imagery classification using time-domain features for BCI applications M Hamedi, SH Salleh, AM Noor, I Mohammad-Rezazadeh 2014 IEEE region 10 symposium, 204-207, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Current issues and problems in the joining of ceramic to metal MB Uday, MN Ahmad-Fauzi, AM Noor, S Rajoo Joining technologies, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
EMG-based facial gesture recognition through versatile elliptic basis function neural network M Hamedi, SH Salleh, M Astaraki, AM Noor Biomedical engineering online 12, 1-22, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
Integration and fabrication of the cheap ceramic membrane through 3D printing technology LC Hwa, MB Uday, N Ahmad, AM Noor, S Rajoo, KB Zakaria Materials Today Communications 15, 134-142, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |
Microstructural evaluation of a slurry based Ni/YSZ thermal barrier coating for automotive turbocharger turbine application MR Abbas, MB Uday, AM Noor, N Ahmad, S Rajoo Materials & Design 109, 47-56, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Waste heat recovery technologies in turbocharged automotive engine–a review AM Noor, RC Puteh, S Rajoo Journal of Modern Science and Technology 2 (1), 108-119, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Estimating effective connectivity from fMRI data using factor-based subspace autoregressive models CM Ting, AK Seghouane, SH Salleh, AM Noor IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (6), 757-761, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Morphological study of the newly designed cementless femoral stem MY Baharuddin, SH Salleh, AH Zulkifly, MH Lee, A Mohd Noor Biomed research international 2014 (1), 692328, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Design process of cementless femoral stem using a nonlinear three dimensional finite element analysis MY Baharuddin, SH Salleh, AH Zulkifly, MH Lee, AM Noor, AR A Harris, ... BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 15, 1-17, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Design and performance of vaneless volutes for radial inflow turbines: Part 1: Non-dimensional conceptual design considerations A Whitfield, ABM Noor Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 1994 | 34 | 1994 |
Robust facial expression recognition for MuCI: a comprehensive neuromuscular signal analysis M Hamedi, SH Salleh, CM Ting, M Astaraki, AM Noor IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 9 (1), 102-115, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
Acoustic cardiac signals analysis: a Kalman filter–based approach SH Salleh, HS Hussain, TT Swee, CM Ting, AM Noor, S Pipatsart, J Ali, ... International Journal of Nanomedicine 7, 2873, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Comparison of different time-domain feature extraction methods on facial gestures’ EMGs M Hamedi, SH Salleh, AM Noor, TT Swee, IK Afizam Progress In Electromagnetics Research 1897, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
A review of thermoelectric ZnO nanostructured ceramics for energy recovery MA Mohammed, I Sudin, AM Noor, S Rajoo, MB Uday, NH Obayes, ... International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (2.29), 27-30, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Multimodal biometrics based on identification and verification system O Al-Hamdani, A Chekima, J Dargham, SH Salleh, F Noman, H Hussain, ... Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics 4 (2), 1-8, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
Mechanical properties of coconut shell powder reinforced PVC composites in automotive applications MH Md Sah, A Mohd Noor, MR Abbas, A Abu Bakar Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE) 14 (2), 49-61, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
An insight into microstructural evolution during plastic deformation in AA6061 alloy after friction welding with alumina-YSZ composite MB Uday, MN Ahmad-Fauzi, AM Noor, S Rajoo Mechanics of Materials 91, 50-63, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
Measuring aerodynamic characteristics using high performance low speed wind tunnel at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia AM Noor, S Mansor Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering 3 (132), 1-7, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |