maria lujan Maydup
maria lujan Maydup
Ayudante Diplomado Simple, Facultad de ciencias naturales y museio, UNLP
Верификована је имејл адреса на agro.unlp.edu.ar
The contribution of ear photosynthesis to grain filling in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
ML Maydup, M Antonietta, JJ Guiamet, C Graciano, JR López, ...
Field crops research 119 (1), 48-58, 2010
The contribution of the awns of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to grain filling: Responses to water deficit and the effects of awns on ear temperature and hydraulic conductance
ML Maydup, M Antonietta, C Graciano, JJ Guiamet, EA Tambussi
Field Crops Research 167, 102-111, 2014
The contribution of green parts of the ear to grain filling in old and modern cultivars of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): evidence for genetic gains over the past century
ML Maydup, M Antonietta, JJ Guiamet, EA Tambussi
Field Crops Research 134, 208-215, 2012
New avenues for increasing yield and stability in C3 cereals: exploring ear photosynthesis
R Sanchez-Bragado, R Vicente, G Molero, MD Serret, ML Maydup, ...
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 56, 223-234, 2020
Analysis of early vigour in twenty modern cultivars of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
ML Maydup, C Graciano, JJ Guiamet, EA Tambussi
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (10), 987-996, 2012
Ear photosynthesis in C3 cereals and its contribution to grain yield: methodologies, controversies, and perspectives
EA Tambussi, ML Maydup, CA Carrión, JJ Guiamet, JL Araus
Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (11), 3956-3970, 2021
Canopy development, leaf traits and yield in high-altitude Andean maize under contrasting plant densities in Argentina
DA Salve, ML Maydup, GA Salazar, EA Tambussi, M Antonietta
Experimental Agriculture 59, e22, 2023
Methodological aspects and impact on grain weight of source reduction through shade meshes during grain filling of bread wheat
ML Maydup, M Antonietta, N Rouillet, MG Cano, JJ Guiamet, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 71 (8), 739-751, 2020
Yield determinants, root distribution and soil water uptake in maize (Zea mays) hybrids differing in canopy senescence under post-silking drought
M Antonietta, ML Maydup, MG Cano, DD Fanello, HA Acciaresi, ...
Functional Plant Biology 48 (11), 1124-1138, 2021
Contribución de la fotosíntesis de la espiga al rendimiento de trigo pan (Triticum aestivum) en condiciones limitadas por la disponibilidad de asimilados post-antesis
ML Maydup
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2013
Efecto de un fermentado vegetal de ortiga sobre el crecimiento de lechuga
M Oliver, JP Cavigioli, ME Marasas, M Simontacchi, ML Maydup
Investigación Joven 4, 2018
Andean maize in Argentina: physiological effects related with altitude, genetic variation, management practices and possible avenues to improve yield
DA Salve, MJ Ferreyra, RA Defacio, ML Maydup, DB Lauff, EA Tambussi, ...
Maximum Academic Press, 2023
New avenues for increasing yield and stability in C3 cereals: exploring ear photosynthesis
R Sánchez Bragado, R Vicente García, G Molero Milán, MD Serret Molins, ...
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2019, 2019
Efectos del uso de un biopreparado a base de ortigas sobre el crecimiento de plantas de lechuga
L Chimento, M Simontacchi, ML Maydup
Investigación Joven 6 (2), 56-56, 2019
¿ Existe limitación por fuente en la determinación del rendimiento de germoplasma moderno de trigo?
N Rouillet, ML Maydup, S Martínez Alonso, J Vera Bahima, M Bartolozi, ...
III Workshop Internacional de Ecofisiología de Cultivos (Mar del Plata, 28 y …, 2017
Toxicidad del purín de ortiga sobre dos nematodos de vida libre
I Stoeff Belkenoff, A Salas, D Sauka, ML Maydup, MF Achinelly, ...
RIVAR (Santiago) 11 (31), 110-121, 2024
Evaluación de efectos de biopreparados a base de ajo (Allium sp.), ají (Capsicum sp.) y ortiga (Urtica sp.) utilizados en horticultura, sobre organismos no blanco
I Stoeff Belkenoff, ML Peluso, ML Maydup
Investigación Joven 10, 2023
Balance de P en el cultivo de soja:¿ Fertilizar o no fertilizar? Esa no es la cuestión
M Antonietta, P Girón, G Martini, ML Maydup, JR Micheloud, MS Paolini, ...
Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario, 2021
Welligogs Waterproof 6 Mocha Size “sloane
M Oliver, JP Cavigioli, M Marasas, M Simontacchi, ML Maydup
Welligogs Waterproof 6 Mocha Size “sloane 4 (2), 71-71, 2017
Boots Stiefel Wedges Heel Vintage Herren Bottes 50s Winterstiefel 50er True 60er wq0UUH5dx
M Oliver, JP Cavigioli, M Marasas, M Simontacchi, ML Maydup
Boots Stiefel Wedges Heel Vintage Herren Bottes 50s Winterstiefel 50er True …, 2017
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