Amir Ganjavi
Amir Ganjavi
PhD Graduate, The University of Queensland
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A novel single-input dual-output three-level DC–DC converter
A Ganjavi, H Ghoreishy, AA Ahmad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (10), 8101-8111, 2018
Common-mode current prediction and analysis in motor drive systems for the new frequency range of 2–150 kHz
A Ganjavi, H Rathnayake, F Zare, D Kumar, J Yaghoobi, P Davari, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10 (1), 74-90, 2020
A three-level three-port bidirectional dc-dc converter
A Ganjavi, H Ghoreishy, AA Ahmad, Z Zhagn
2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and …, 2018
Mathematical Model of Common-Mode Sources in Long-Cable-Fed Adjustable Speed Drives
A Ganjavi, F Zare, D Kumar, A Abbosh, K Bialkowski, P Davari
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021
Lyapunov-based control strategy for a single-input dual-output three-level dc/dc converter
M Rasouli, M Mehrasa, A Ganjavi, MS Sadabadi, H Ghoreishy, AA Ahmad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (10), 10486-10495, 2022
Feedback–feedforward control technique with a comprehensive mathematical analysis for single‐input dual‐output three‐level dc–dc converter
A Ganjavi, HR Gholinejad, M Mehrasa, H Ghoreishy, AA Ahmad
IET Power Electronics 13 (19), 4685-4694, 2020
Effect of choke placement on common-mode noise in three-phase variable speed drives
A Ganjavi, D Kumar, F Zare, AM Abbosh, H Rathnayake, P Davari
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 58 (5), 6253-6265, 2022
Design and implementation of an SiC-based 48 V-380 V dual active bridge DC-DC converter for batteries employed in green hydrogen microgrids
A Ganjavi, SA Gorji, A Hakemi, A Moradi, D Sera
2022 IEEE 7th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), 1-6, 2022
Common-mode noise modelling and resonant estimation in a three-phase motor drive system: 9-150 kHz frequency range
H Rathnayake, A Ganjavi, F Zare, D Kumar, P Davari
2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 …, 2020
Study of a DC micro-gird configuration to produce hydrogen (DCMG-H2)
A Moradi, SA Gorji, A Hakemi, A Ganjavi, D Sera
2022 IEEE 7th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), 1-5, 2022
Nonlinear effects of three-phase diode rectifier on noise emission in the frequency range of 2–9 kHz
H Rathnayake, F Zare, D Kumar, A Ganjavi, P Davari
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy …, 2020
Investigating the effect of different parameters on harmonics and emi emissions at the frequency range of 0–9 khz
A Ganjavi, H Rathnayake, F Zare, D Kumar, A Abbosh, P Davari
2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 …, 2020
Analyzing the Effect of Choke Placement on Differential-Mode Supra-Harmonics in Variable Frequency Drives: New Standardization
A Ganjavi, D Kumar, F Zare, P Davari
2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future …, 2023
Sliding-Mode-Based Control Strategy for a Solar Multi-Port Three-Level DC-DC Converter Under Harsh System Uncertainty
A Ganjavi, SA Gorji, H Ghoreishy, D Sera
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), 1-6, 2023
A practical approach to model a cable with nonlinear material characteristics
A Ganjavi, F Zare, D Kumar, A Abbosh, B Konstanty, P Davari
2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference …, 2021
Analysis of DC and AC Choke Effects on Common-Mode Noise Emissions in ASD at the Frequency Range of 9–150 kHz
A Ganjavi, H Rathnayake, D Kumar, F Zare, A Abbosh, P Davari
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy …, 2020
Electromagnetic interference analysis and modelling in motor drive systems
A Ganjavi
Common mode noise modelling and resonant estimation in a three-phase motor drive system: 9-150 kHz frequency range
H Rathnayake, A Ganjavi, F Zare, D Kumar, P Davari
22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2020 …, 2020
Filter Design Guidelines in Adjustable Speed Drives for the Frequency Range of 0–9 kHz
A Ganjavi, H Rathnayake, F Zare, D Kumar, A Abbosh, P Davari
EPE, 2020
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