Markus Stiglbauer
Markus Stiglbauer
Верификована је имејл адреса на wiso.uni-erlangen.de
Contents and determinants of corporate social responsibility website reporting in Sub-Saharan Africa: A seven-country study
AL Kühn, M Stiglbauer, MS Fifka
Business & Society 57 (3), 437-480, 2018
Audit market concentration and its influence on audit quality
P Velte, M Stiglbauer
International Business Research 5 (11), 146, 2012
Transparency & disclosure on corporate governance as a key factor of companies’ success: a simultaneous equations analysis for Germany
M Stiglbauer
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 161-173, 2010
Corporate Governance Berichterstattung und Unternehmenserfolg: eine empirische Untersuchung für den deutschen Aktienmarkt
M Stiglbauer
Springer-Verlag, 2010
Self-perception of the internal audit function within the corporate governance system--empirical evidence for the European Union
M Eulerich, J Theis, P Velte, M Stiglbauer
Problems and Perspectives in Management (PPM) 11, 57-72, 2013
Promoting development in weak institutional environments: The understanding and transmission of sustainability by NGOS in Latin America
MS Fifka, AL Kühn, CR Loza Adaui, M Stiglbauer
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 27 …, 2016
Does mandatory CSR reporting lead to higher CSR transparency? The case of France
AL Kühn, M Stiglbauer, J Heel
Corporate Ownership and Control 11 (2), 29-45, 2014
“One size fits all”? Convergence in international corporate social responsibility communication—A comparative study of CSR mission statements in the United States and India
MS Fifka, AL Kühn, M Stiglbauer
Journal of Public Affairs 18 (3), e1670, 2018
Impact of auditor and audit firm rotation on accounting and audit quality. A critical analysis of the EC regulation draft
P Velte, M Stiglbauer
Journal of Governance and Regulation 1 (3), 7-13, 2012
Impact of audit committees with independent financial experts on accounting quality. An empirical analysis of the German capital market
P Velte, M Stiglbauer
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17-33, 2011
Entwicklung der Risiko-und Prognoseberichterstattung am deutschen Kapitalmarkt
P Velte, M Stiglbauer, K Sepetauz
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 61, 123-177, 2011
Impact of soft law regulation by corporate governance codes on firm valuation: the case of Germany
M Stiglbauer, P Velte
Corporate Governance 14 (3), 395-406, 2014
Corporate Governance und Erwartungsmanagement: Eine Untersuchung in DAX, TecDAX, MDAX und SDAX
A Graf, M Stiglbauer
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 60 (6), 598-619, 2008
The impact of board diversity on firm performance—The case of Germany
U Braendle, M Stiglbauer, K Ababneh, E Dedousis
Corporate Ownership & Control 17 (2), 183-193, 2020
Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex: Eine Analyse der Qualitätssicherungs und erweiterten Kommunikationsfunktion
DV Stiglbauer Markus Dipl-Kfm
Journal of Management Control 18 (3), 279-300, 2008
Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code and firm performance: a ten-year experience
M Stiglbauer, P Velte
International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 3 (1-2), 5-23, 2012
Strategic stakeholder management by corporate social responsibility: Some conceptual thoughts
M Stiglbauer
Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 1 (2), 45-55, 2011
Impact of capital and ownership structure on corporate governance and performance: Evidence from insider system
M Stiglbauer
Problem and Perspective in Management, 9 (1), 16 23, 2011
Corporate governance Berichterstattung als instrument wertorientierter Unternehmensführung: Empirische Erkenntnisse für den deutschen Kapitalmarkt
M Stiglbauer
Zeitschrift für Management 5 (4), 359-384, 2010
Board size and firm operating performance: Evidence from Germany
A Graf, M Stiglbauer
Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition 5 (1), 37-46, 2009
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