Shu-Chih Yang
Shu-Chih Yang
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University
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4-D-Var or ensemble Kalman filter?
E Kalnay, H Li, T Miyoshi, SC Yang, J Ballabrera-Poy
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 59 (5), 758-773, 2007
Accelerating the spin‐up of ensemble Kalman filtering
E Kalnay, SC Yang
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (651), 1644-1651, 2010
Use of the breeding technique to estimate the structure of the analysis" errors of the day"
M Corazza, E Kalnay, DJ Patil, SC Yang, R Morss, M Cai, I Szunyogh, ...
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 10 (3), 233-243, 2003
Data assimilation as synchronization of truth and model: Experiments with the three-variable Lorenz system
SC Yang, D Baker, H Li, K Cordes, M Huff, G Nagpal, E Okereke, ...
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 63 (9), 2340-2354, 2006
Weight interpolation for efficient data assimilation with the local ensemble transform Kalman filter
SC Yang, E Kalnay, B Hunt, N E. Bowler
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2009
Comparison of local ensemble transform Kalman filter, 3DVAR, and 4DVAR in a quasigeostrophic model
SC Yang, M Corazza, A Carrassi, E Kalnay, T Miyoshi
Monthly weather review 137 (2), 693-709, 2009
Handling nonlinearity in an ensemble Kalman filter: Experiments with the three-variable Lorenz model
SC Yang, E Kalnay, B Hunt
Monthly Weather Review 140 (8), 2628-2646, 2012
RISE undergraduates find that regime changes in Lorenz’s model are predictable
E Evans, N Bhatti, J Kinney, L Pann, M Peña, SC Yang, E Kalnay, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (4), 520-524, 2004
ENSO bred vectors in coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models
SC Yang, E Kalnay, M Cai, M Rienecker, G Yuan, Z Toth
Journal of climate 19 (8), 1422-1436, 2006
Evaluating the impact of the COSMIC RO bending angle data on predicting the heavy precipitation episode on 16 June 2008 during SoWMEX-IOP8
SC Yang, SH Chen, SY Chen, CY Huang, CS Chen
Monthly Weather Review 142 (11), 4139-4163, 2014
Application of coupled bred vectors to seasonal-to-interannual forecasting and ocean data assimilation
SC Yang, C Keppenne, M Rienecker, E Kalnay
Journal of Climate 22 (11), 2850-2870, 2009
Improving quantitative precipitation nowcasting with a local ensemble transform Kalman filter radar data assimilation system: Observing system simulation experiments
CC Tsai, SC Yang, YC Liou
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 21804, 2014
Response to the discussion on “4-D-Var or EnKF?” by Nils Gustafsson
E Kalnay, H Li, T Miyoshi, SC Yang, J Ballabrera-Poy
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 59 (5), 778-780, 2007
A case study on the impact of ensemble data assimilation with GNSS-zenith total delay and radar data on heavy rainfall prediction
SC Yang, ZM Huang, CY Huang, CC Tsai, TK Yeh
Monthly Weather Review 148 (3), 1075-1098, 2020
Lyapunov, singular and bred vectors in a multi-scale system: an empirical exploration of vectors related to instabilities
A Norwood, E Kalnay, K Ide, SC Yang, C Wolfe
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (25), 254021, 2013
The ROCSAT-1 IPEI preliminary results: Low-latitude ionospheric plasma and flow variations
SY Su, HC Yeh, RA Heelis, JM Wu, SC Yang, LF Lee, HL Chen
Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci 10 (4), 787-804, 1999
Data assimilation in a system with two scales—combining two initialization techniques
J Ballabrera-Poy, E Kalnay, SC Yang
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 61 (4), 539-549, 2008
Comparison of ensemble-based and variational-based data assimilation schemes in a quasi-geostrophic model
SC Yang, M Corazza, A Carrassi, E Kalnay, T Miyoshi
Mon. Weather Rev 137, 693-709, 2009
The impact of ocean data assimilation on seasonal-to-interannual forecasts: A case study of the 2006 El Niño event
SC Yang, M Rienecker, C Keppenne
Journal of climate 23 (15), 4080-4095, 2010
Bred vectors and tropical pacific forecast errors in the NASA coupled general circulation model
SC Yang, E Kalnay, M Cai, MM Rienecker
Monthly weather review 136 (4), 1305-1326, 2008
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