Sascha Topolinski
Sascha Topolinski
Верификована је имејл адреса на uni-koeln.de
Gaining insight into the “Aha” experience
S Topolinski, R Reber
Current Directions in Psychological Science 19 (6), 402-405, 2010
The architecture of intuition: Fluency and affect determine intuitive judgments of semantic and visual coherence and judgments of grammaticality in artificial grammar learning.
S Topolinski, F Strack
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 138 (1), 39, 2009
When the death makes you smoke: A terror management perspective on the effectiveness of cigarette on-pack warnings
J Hansen, S Winzeler, S Topolinski
Journal of experimental social psychology 46 (1), 226-228, 2010
The face of fluency: Semantic coherence automatically elicits a specific pattern of facial muscle reactions
S Topolinski, KU Likowski, P Weyers, F Strack
Cognition and Emotion 23 (2), 260-271, 2009
The analysis of intuition: Processing fluency and affect in judgements of semantic coherence
S Topolinski, F Strack
Cognition and Emotion 23 (8), 1465-1503, 2009
Motormouth: mere exposure depends on stimulus-specific motor simulations.
S Topolinski, F Strack
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 (2), 423, 2009
The path of ambivalence: tracing the pull of opposing evaluations using mouse trajectories
IK Schneider, F van Harreveld, M Rotteveel, S Topolinski, J van der Pligt, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 996, 2015
The grounded nature of psychological perspective-taking.
TM Erle, S Topolinski
Journal of personality and social psychology 112 (5), 683, 2017
Covert painting simulations influence aesthetic appreciation of artworks
H Leder, S Bär, S Topolinski
Psychological Science 23 (12), 1479-1481, 2012
Scanning the “fringe” of consciousness: What is felt and what is not felt in intuitions about semantic coherence
S Topolinski, F Strack
Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3), 608-618, 2009
Oral approach–avoidance: affective consequences of muscular articulation dynamics.
S Topolinski, IT Maschmann, D Pecher, P Winkielman
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (6), 885, 2014
Routes to embodiment
A Körner, S Topolinski, F Strack
Frontiers in psychology 6, 940, 2015
Where there’sa will—there’s no intuition. The unintentional basis of semantic coherence judgments
S Topolinski, F Strack
Journal of Memory and Language 58 (4), 1032-1048, 2008
The sensorimotor contributions to implicit memory, familiarity, and recollection.
S Topolinski
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (2), 260, 2012
The role of personality in psychotherapists’ careers: Relationships between personality traits, therapeutic schools, and job satisfaction
S Topolinski, G Hertel
Psychotherapy Research 17 (3), 365-375, 2007
Why being mindful may have more benefits than you realize: Mindfulness improves both explicit and implicit mood regulation
C Remmers, S Topolinski, SL Koole
Mindfulness 7, 829-837, 2016
Corrugator activity confirms immediate negative affect in surprise
S Topolinski, F Strack
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 134, 2015
The temporal dynamics of surprise
MK Noordewier, S Topolinski, E Van Dijk
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10 (3), 136-149, 2016
False fame prevented: avoiding fluency effects without judgmental correction.
S Topolinski, F Strack
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (5), 721, 2010
The mere exposure phenomenon: A lingering melody by Robert Zajonc
RL Moreland, S Topolinski
Emotion Review 2 (4), 329-339, 2010
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