Fate of the lower lithosphere during shallow-angle subduction: The Laramide example AD Chapman, O Rautela, J Shields, MN Ducea, J Saleeby GSA Today 30 (1), 4-10, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
In search for the missing arc root of the Southern California Batholith: PTt evolution of upper mantle xenoliths of the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone O Rautela, AD Chapman, JE Shields, MN Ducea, CT Lee, H Jiang, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 547, 116447, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Tectonic development of the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone, central Arizona: Insights from lower lithosphere xenoliths and volcanic host rocks AD Chapman, N Riggs, MN Ducea, JB Saleeby, O Rautela, J Shields | 10 | 2019 |
Fate of the lower lithosphere during shallow-angle subduction: The Laramide example AD Chapman, O Rautela, JE Shields, MN Ducea, JB Saleeby Geological Society of America Abstracts 51, 337465, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Seismic Wave Speeds of (Al, Fe)-phase H and the Detectability of Dense Oxyhydroxides in Earth's Lower Mantle B Strozewski, J Buchen, O Rautela, W Sturhahn, T Ishii, I Ohira, B Lavina, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, DI24A-07, 2023 | | 2023 |
Spatiotemporal evolution of large-scale thermal anomalies in the Pacific Mantle: Leveraging geologic records of lithosphere subsidence within a Bayesian framework O Rautela, MC Gurnis 2022 Goldschmidt Conference, 2022 | | 2022 |
Paleo-vertical motions of the Pacific plate: Mantle processes and oceanic lithosphere subsidence O Rautela, M Gurnis AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021 | | 2021 |
Slabs in Earth’s Lower Mantle: Constraints from Mineral Physics Modeling O Rautela, J Buchen, JM Jackson, M Gurnis, Z Zhan AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021 | | 2021 |
Fate of Continental Lower Crust and Upper Mantle during Shallow-Angle Subduction: the Laramide Example AD Chapman, O Rautela, JE Shields, MN Ducea, JB Saleeby Geological Society of America Abstracts 51, 329687, 2019 | | 2019 |
In search for the missing arc root of the Southern California Batholith: investigating the PTt evolution of upper mantle xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone O Rautela, AD Chapman, JE Shields AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, T21G-0307, 2018 | | 2018 |
Pressure-Temperature Evolution of Lower Crustal-Upper Mantle Xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone O Rautela, AD Chapman Geological Society of America Abstracts 50, 314157, 2018 | | 2018 |