Martin Diaz-Zorita
Martin Diaz-Zorita
Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina
Верификована је имејл адреса на agro.unlpam.edu.ar
A review of no-till systems and soil management for sustainable crop production in the subhumid and semiarid Pampas of Argentina
M Dı́az-Zorita, GA Duarte, JH Grove
Soil and Tillage Research 65 (1), 1-18, 2002
Disruptive methods for assessing soil structure
M Dıaz-Zorita, E Perfect, JH Grove
Soil and Tillage Research 64 (1-2), 3-22, 2002
Azospirillum sp. in current agriculture: From the laboratory to the field
F Cassán, M Diaz-Zorita
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 103, 117-130, 2016
Field performance of a liquid formulation of Azospirillum brasilense on dryland wheat productivity
M Díaz-Zorita, MV Fernández-Canigia
European journal of soil biology 45 (1), 3-11, 2009
Multi-causal and integrated assessment of sustainability: the case of agriculturization in the Argentine Pampas
D Manuel-Navarrete, GC Gallopín, M Blanco, M Díaz-Zorita, DO Ferraro, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability 11, 621-638, 2009
Análisis sistémico de la agriculturización en la pampa húmeda argentina y sus consecuencias en regiones extra pampeanas: sostenibilidad, brechas de conocimiento e integración …
M Torrent, F Torres, E Viglizzo, M Blanco, MG Caputo, A Celis, ...
Medio ambiente y desarrollo, 2005
Soil organic matter and wheat productivity in the semiarid Argentine Pampas
M Díaz‐Zorita, DE Buschiazzo, N Peinemann
Agronomy Journal 91 (2), 276-279, 1999
Effect of deep-tillage and nitrogen fertilization interactions on dryland corn (Zea mays L.) productivity
M Dıaz-Zorita
Soil and Tillage Research 54 (1-2), 11-19, 2000
Soil structural disturbance effects on crop yields and soil properties in a no‐till production system
M Díaz‐Zorita, JH Grove, L Murdock, J Herbeck, E Perfect
Agronomy Journal 96 (6), 1651-1659, 2004
Soybean Response to Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum in the United States and Argentina
M Leggett, M Diaz‐Zorita, M Koivunen, R Bowman, R Pesek, C Stevenson, ...
Agronomy journal 109 (3), 1031-1038, 2017
Applications of foliar fertilizers containing glycinebetaine improve wheat yields
M Díaz‐Zorita, MV Fernández‐Canigia, GA Grosso
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 186 (3), 209-215, 2001
Duration of tillage management affects carbon and phosphorus stratification in phosphatic Paleudalfs
M Dıaz-Zorita, JH Grove
Soil and Tillage Research 66 (2), 165-174, 2002
Fertilidad de suelos y fertilización de cultivos
HE Echeverría, FO García, PE Abbate, LA Aguirrezábal, T Albaugh, ...
Buenos Aires: INTA,, 2005
Effect of soil texture, organic carbon and water retention on the compactability of soils from the Argentinean pampas
M Dıaz-Zorita, GA Grosso
Soil and Tillage Research 54 (1-2), 121-126, 2000
El cultivo de la alfalfa en la Argentina
DH Basigalup
Ediciones INTA, 2007
A prefractal model for predicting soil fragment mass-size distributions
E Perfect, M Dıaz-Zorita, JH Grove
Soil and Tillage Research 64 (1-2), 79-90, 2002
Soil organic carbon recovery by the Walkley‐Black method in a typic hapludoll
M Díaz‐Zorita
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30 (5-6), 739-745, 1999
Safflower productivity as related to soil water storage and management practices in semiarid regions
AR Quiroga, M Díaz-Zorita, DE Buschiazzo
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 32 (17-18), 2851-2862, 2001
Effects of Chloride Fertilization on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Productivity in the Sandy Pampas Region, Argentina
M Díaz‐Zorita, GA Duarte, M Barraco
Agronomy Journal 96 (3), 839-844, 2004
Efectos de seis años de labranzas en un Hapludol del noroeste de Buenos Aires, Argentina
M Díaz-Zorita, M Basanta
Ciencia del Suelo 17 (1), 31-36, 1999
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