Qing Zheng
Qing Zheng
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Consortium
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IndexFS: Scaling file system metadata performance with stateless caching and bulk insertion
K Ren, Q Zheng, S Patil, G Gibson
SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2014
SlimDB: A space-efficient key-value storage engine for semi-sorted data
K Ren, Q Zheng, J Arulraj, G Gibson
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (13), 2037-2048, 2017
Mochi: Composing data services for high-performance computing environments
RB Ross, G Amvrosiadis, P Carns, CD Cranor, M Dorier, K Harms, ...
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 35, 121-144, 2020
DeltaFS: Exascale file systems scale better without dedicated servers
Q Zheng, K Ren, G Gibson, BW Settlemyer, G Grider
Proceedings of the 10th Parallel Data Storage Workshop, 1-6, 2015
Cosbench: A benchmark tool for cloud object storage services
Q Zheng, H Chen, Y Wang, J Duan, Z Huang
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, 998-999, 2012
BatchFS: Scaling the file system control plane with client-funded metadata servers
Q Zheng, K Ren, G Gibson
2014 9th Parallel Data Storage Workshop, 1-6, 2014
Cosbench: Cloud object storage benchmark
Q Zheng, H Chen, Y Wang, J Zhang, J Duan
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2013
ShardFS vs. IndexFS: Replication vs. caching strategies for distributed metadata management in cloud storage systems
L Xiao, K Ren, Q Zheng, GA Gibson
Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 236-249, 2015
Scaling embedded in-situ indexing with deltaFS
Q Zheng, CD Cranor, D Guo, GR Ganger, G Amvrosiadis, GA Gibson, ...
SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2018
Characterizing web application performance for maximizing service providers' profits in clouds
X Chen, H Chen, Q Zheng, W Wang, G Liu
2011 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing, 191-198, 2011
Software-defined storage for fast trajectory queries using a deltafs indexed massive directory
Q Zheng, G Amvrosiadis, S Kadekodi, GA Gibson, CD Cranor, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage …, 2017
Deltafs: A scalable no-ground-truth filesystem for massively-parallel computing
Q Zheng, CD Cranor, GR Ganger, GA Gibson, G Amvrosiadis, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2021
Kvrangedb: Range queries for a hash-based key–value device
M Qin, Q Zheng, J Lee, B Settlemyer, F Wen, N Reddy, P Gratz
ACM Transactions on Storage 19 (3), 1-21, 2023
KV-CSD: A hardware-accelerated key-value store for data-intensive applications
I Park, Q Zheng, D Manno, S Yang, J Lee, D Bonnie, B Settlemyer, Y Kim, ...
2023 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 132-144, 2023
Gufi: fast, secure file system metadata search for both privileged and unprivileged users
D Manno, J Lee, P Challa, Q Zheng, D Bonnie, G Grider, B Settlemyer
SC22: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2022
Streaming data reorganization at scale with DeltaFS indexed massive directories
Q Zheng, CD Cranor, A Jain, GR Ganger, GA Gibson, G Amvrosiadis, ...
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 16 (4), 1-31, 2020
Compact Filters for Fast Online Data Partitioning
Q Zheng, CD Cranor, A Jain, GR Ganger, GA Gibson, G Amvrosiadis, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 1-12, 2019
Soflipse: Tool for automatic modelling and reviewing sofl workflows
Y Wang, Q Zheng, H Chen
International Journal of Computing Technology and Information Security 1, 88-98, 2011
Mochi: 为高性能计算环境组合数据服务
RB Ross, G Amvrosiadis, P Carns, CD Cranor, M Dorier, K Harms, ...
计算机科学技术学报 35 (1), 121-144, 2020
A Software Defined Storage Approach to Exascale Storage Services (Final Technical Report)
J Soumagne, RB Ross, G Shipman, G Amvrosiadis, D Robinson, ...
The HDF Group, Champaign, IL (United States), 2019
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