Jerome Sterpenich
Jerome Sterpenich
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Elemental and isotopic (29Si and 18O) tracing of glass alteration mechanisms
N Valle, A Verney-Carron, J Sterpenich, G Libourel, E Deloule, P Jollivet
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (12), 3412-3431, 2010
Using stained glass windows to understand the durability of toxic waste matrices
J Sterpenich, G Libourel
Chemical Geology 174 (1-3), 181-193, 2001
Experimental ageing of oolitic limestones under CO2 storage conditions: Petrographical and chemical evidence
J Sterpenich, J Sausse, J Pironon, A Gehin, G Hubert, E Perfetti, D Grgic
Chemical Geology 265 (1), 99-112, 2009
Water diffusion in silicate glasses under natural weathering conditions: evidence from buried medieval stained glasses
J Sterpenich, G Libourel
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (50-51), 5446-5451, 2006
The use of natural and archeological analogues for understanding the long-term behavior of nuclear glasses
G Libourel, A Verney-Carron, A Morlok, S Gin, J Sterpenich, A Michelin, ...
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 343 (2-3), 237-245, 2011
Modelling of liquid-vapour equilibria in the H2O-CO2-NaCl and H2O-H2S-NaCl systems to 270 C
J Dubessy, A Tarantola, J Sterpenich
Oil & gas science and technology 60 (2), 339-355, 2005
Experimental determination of CO2 diffusion coefficient in aqueous solutions under pressure at room temperature via Raman spectroscopy: impact of salinity (NaCl)
C Belgodere, J Dubessy, D Vautrin, MC Caumon, J Sterpenich, J Pironon, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46 (10), 1025-1032, 2015
Geochemical effects of an oxycombustion stream containing SO2 and O2 on carbonate rocks in the context of CO2 storage
S Renard, J Sterpenich, J Pironon, P Chiquet, A Randi
Chemical Geology 382, 140-152, 2014
Impact of co-injected gases on CO2 storage sites: Geochemical modeling of experimental results
J Corvisier, AF Bonvalot, V Lagneau, P Chiquet, S Renard, J Sterpenich, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 3699-3710, 2013
Measuring mutual solubility in the H2O–CO2 system up to 200 bar and 100 C by in situ Raman spectroscopy
MC Caumon, J Sterpenich, A Randi, J Pironon
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 47, 63-70, 2016
Altération des vitraux médiévaux. Contribution à l'étude du comportement à long terme des déchets vitrifiés
J Sterpenich
Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy1, 1998
Toxic Metals in Shales: Questions and Methods for a Better Management of Flow-Back Waters.
EC Gaucher*, J Lerat, J Sterpenich, R Mosser-Ruck, J Pironon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 25-27 …, 2014
Geochemical study of the reactivity of a carbonate rock in a geological storage of CO2: Implications of co-injected gases
S Renard, J Sterpenich, J Pironon, P Chiquet, M Lescanne, A Randi
Energy Procedia 4, 5364-5369, 2011
Main results of the CO2-DISSOLVED project: first step toward a future industrial pilot combining geological storage of dissolved CO2 and geothermal heat recovery
C Kervévan, MH Beddelem, X Galiègue, Y Le Gallo, F May, K O’Neil, ...
Energy Procedia 114, 4086-4098, 2017
Role of Impurities on CO2 Injection: Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Thermodynamic Properties of Water-Salt-Gas Mixtures (CO2+ Co-Injected Gases) under Geological …
J Sterpenich, J Pironon, S Renard, MC Caumon, A Randi, JN Jaubert, ...
GHGT-11, 2012
Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock
S Renard, J Pironon, J Sterpenich, C Carpentier, M Lescanne, ...
Chemical Geology 508, 30-46, 2019
Experimental study of pyrite oxidation at 100° C: implications for deep geological radwaste repository in claystone
H Verron, J Sterpenich, J Bonnet, F Bourdelle, R Mosser-Ruck, ...
Minerals 9 (7), 427, 2019
Advances in 3D imaging and volumetric reconstruction of fluid and melt inclusions by high resolution X-ray computed tomography
A Richard, C Morlot, L Créon, N Beaudoin, VS Balistky, S Pentelei, ...
Chemical Geology 508, 3-14, 2019
Experimental simulation of the impact of a thermal gradient during geological sequestration of CO2: The COTAGES experiment
E Jobard, J Sterpenich, J Pironon, J Corvisier, M Jouanny, A Randi
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12, 56-71, 2013
Experimental study of CO2 injection in a simulated injection well: the MIRAGES experiment
J Sterpenich, E Jobard, H El Hajj, J Pironon, A Randi, MC Caumon
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 4 (2), 210-224, 2014
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