Sedat Gümüş
Sedat Gümüş
The Education University of Hong Kong
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A systematic review of studies on leadership models in educational research from 1980 to 2014
S Gumus, MS Bellibas, M Esen, E Gumus
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 46 (1), 25-48, 2018
The effect of instructional leadership and distributed leadership on teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction: Mediating roles of supportive school culture and teacher …
Y Liu, MŞ Bellibaş, S Gümüş
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 49 (3), 430-453, 2021
'Are principals instructional leaders yet?'A science map of the knowledge base on instructional leadership, 1940–2018
P Hallinger, S Gümüş, MŞ Bellibaş
Scientometrics, 1629-1650, 2020
Multilevel analysis of teacher work attitudes: The influence of principal leadership and teacher collaboration
I Duyar, S Gumus, M Sukru Bellibas
International Journal of Educational Management 27 (7), 700-719, 2013
The effects of distributed leadership on teacher professional learning: mediating roles of teacher trust in principal and teacher motivation
F Bektaş, AÇ Kılınç, S Gümüş
Educational studies 48 (5), 602-624, 2022
Does school leadership matter for teachers’ classroom practice? The influence of instructional leadership and distributed leadership on instructional quality
MŞ Bellibaş, S Gümüş, Y Liu
School effectiveness and school improvement 32 (3), 387-412, 2021
Rapid Expansion of Higher Education in Turkey: The Challenges of Recently Established Public Universities (2006–2013)
M Özoglu, B Gür, S Gümüs
Higher Education Policy 29 (1), 21-39, 2016
Science mapping research on educational leadership and management in Turkey: a bibliometric review of international publications
S Gümüş, MŞ Bellibaş, E Gümüş, P Hallinger
School Leadership & Management 40 (1), 23-44, 2020
The evolution of leadership research in higher education for two decades (1995-2014): A bibliometric and content analysis
M Esen, MS Bellibas, S Gumus
International Journal of Leadership in Education 23 (3), 259-273, 2020
A Review of Research on International Student Mobility: Science Mapping the Existing Knowledge Base
S Gümüş, E Gök, M Esen
Journal of Studies in International Education 24 (5), 495-517, 2020
Collective teacher innovativeness in 48 countries: Effects of teacher autonomy, collaborative culture, and professional learning
D Nguyen, M Pietsch, S Gümüş
Teaching and Teacher Education 106, 103463, 2021
Review of international research on school leadership for social justice, equity and diversity
S Gümüş, K Arar, I Oplatka
Journal of Educational Administration and History 53 (1), 81-99, 2021
Instructional Leadership in Turkish Primary Schools An Analysis of Teachers’ Perceptions and Current Policy
S Gumus, M Akcaoglu
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 41 (3), 289-302, 2013
The relationship between principal leadership and teacher collaboration in Turkish primary schools: A multilevel analysis
S Gumus, O Bulut, MS Bellibas
Education Research and Perspectives 40, 1-29, 2013
Overview of Educational Research from Turkey Published in International Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis
D Gülmez, İ Özteke, S Gümüş
Education and Science, 2020
Principals supporting teacher leadership: The effects of learning‐centred leadership on teacher leadership practices with the mediating role of teacher agency
MŞ Bellibaş, S Gümüş, AÇ Kılınç
European Journal of Education 55 (2), 200-216, 2020
The relationship between professional development and school principals’ leadership practices: the mediating role of self-efficacy
S Gümüş, MŞ Bellibaş
International Journal of Educational Management 34 (7), 1155-1170, 2020
Agreement of self-other perceptions matters: Analyzing the effectiveness of principal leadership through multi-source assessment
SH Ham, I Duyar, S Gumus
Australian Journal of Education 59 (3), 225-246, 2015
Exploring the Relationship between Purpose of Computer Usage and Reading Skills of Turkish Students: Evidence from PISA 2006.
S Gumus, EH Atalmis
Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology-TOJET 10 (3), 129-140, 2011
The effects of teacher-and school-level factors on teachers participation in professional development activities: The role of principal leadership
S Gumus
Journal of International Education Research (JIER) 9 (4), 371-380, 2013
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