Robert T Greenbaum
Robert T Greenbaum
Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio
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Do local tax incentives affect economic growth? What mean impacts miss in the analysis of enterprise zone policies
D Bondonio, RT Greenbaum
Regional science and urban economics 37 (1), 121-136, 2007
Crime and residential choice: A neighborhood level analysis of the impact of crime on housing prices
GE Tita, TL Petras, RT Greenbaum
Journal of quantitative criminology 22, 299-317, 2006
The role of industrial diversity in economic resilience: An empirical examination across 35 years
L Brown, RT Greenbaum
Urban Studies 54 (6), 1347-1366, 2017
The impact of violence surges on neighbourhood business activity
RT Greenbaum, GE Tita
Urban Studies 41 (13), 2495-2514, 2004
The impact of state enterprise zones on urban manufacturing establishments
RT Greenbaum, JB Engberg
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23 (2), 315-339, 2004
The impact of terrorism on Italian employment and business activity
RT Greenbaum, L Dugan, G LaFree
Urban studies 44 (5-6), 1093-1108, 2007
State enterprise zones and local housing markets
J Engberg, R Greenbaum
Journal of Housing Research 10 (2), 163-187, 1999
Do business investment incentives promote employment in declining areas? Evidence from EU Objective-2 regions
D Bondonio, RT Greenbaum
European Urban and Regional Studies 13 (3), 225-244, 2006
Crime, neighborhoods, and units of analysis: putting space in its place
GE Tita, RT Greenbaum
Putting crime in its place: Units of analysis in geographic criminology, 145-170, 2009
Drive-bys and trade-ups: Examining the directionality of the crime and residential instability relationship
JR Hipp, GE Tita, RT Greenbaum
Social Forces 87 (4), 1778-1812, 2009
Revitalizing regional economies through enterprise support policies: an impact evaluation of multiple instruments
D Bondonio, RT Greenbaum
European urban and regional studies 21 (1), 79-103, 2014
An evaluation of state enterprise zone policies
R Greenbaum, J Engberg
Review of Policy Research 17 (2‐3), 29-45, 2000
Losing focus: A comparative evaluation of spatially targeted economic revitalization programmes in the US and the EU
R Greenbaum, D Bondonio
Regional Studies 38 (3), 319-334, 2004
Does crime drive housing sales? Evidence from Los Angeles
L N. Boggess, RT Greenbaum, GE Tita
Journal of Crime and Justice 36 (3), 299-318, 2013
Why are state policy makers still proponents of enterprise zones? What explains their action in the face of a preponderance of the research?
RT Greenbaum, J Landers
International Regional Science Review 32 (4), 466-479, 2009
A spatial study of teachers’ salaries in Pennsylvania school districts
RT Greenbaum
Journal of Labor Research 23 (1), 69-86, 2002
The tiff over TIF: A review of the literature examining the effectiveness of the tax increment financing
RT Greenbaum, J Landers
National Tax Journal 67 (3), 655-674, 2014
The economic impact of terrorist incidents on the Italian hospitality industry
RT Greenbaum, A Hultquist
Urban Affairs Review 42 (1), 113-130, 2006
Wage spillovers in public sector contract negotiations: The importance of social comparisons
L Babcock, J Engberg, R Greenbaum
Regional Science and Urban Economics 35 (4), 395-416, 2005
Natural disasters and relief assistance: Empirical evidence on the resilience of US counties using dynamic propensity score matching
D Bondonio, RT Greenbaum
Journal of Regional Science 58 (3), 659-680, 2018
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