Daniel Buschiazzo
Daniel Buschiazzo
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Soil dry aggregate stability and wind erodible fraction in a semiarid environment of Argentina
JC Colazo, DE Buschiazzo
Geoderma 159 (1-2), 228-236, 2010
Tillage effects on soil properties and crop production in the subhumid and semiarid Argentinean Pampas
DE Buschiazzo, JL Panigatti, PW Unger
Soil and Tillage Research 49 (1-2), 105-116, 1998
Soil organic matter and wheat productivity in the semiarid Argentine Pampas
M Díaz‐Zorita, DE Buschiazzo, N Peinemann
Agronomy Journal 91 (2), 276-279, 1999
Soil organic matter particle size fractions in soils of the semiarid Argentinian Pampas
AR Quiroga, DE Buschiazzo, N Peinemann
Soil Science 161 (2), 104-108, 1996
Clay mineralogy, cation exchange capacity and specific surface area of loess soils with different volcanic ash contents
EN Hepper, DE Buschiazzo, GG Hevia, A Urioste, L Antón
Geoderma 135, 216-223, 2006
The impact of agriculture on soil texture due to wind erosion
JC Colazo, D Buschiazzo
Land Degradation & Development 26 (1), 62-70, 2015
Soil compaction is related to management practices in the semi-arid Argentine pampas
AR Quiroga, DE Buschiazzo, N Peinemann
Soil and Tillage Research 52 (1-2), 21-28, 1999
Organic matter in size fractions of soils of the semiarid Argentina. Effects of climate, soil texture and management
GG Hevia, DE Buschiazzo, EN Hepper, AM Urioste, EL Antón
Geoderma 116 (3-4), 265-277, 2003
Validation of WEQ, RWEQ and WEPS wind erosion for different arable land management systems in the Argentinean Pampas
DE Buschiazzo, TM Zobeck
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
A rapid method for assessing the environmental performance of commercial farms in the Pampas of Argentina
EF Viglizzo, F Frank, J Bernardos, DE Buschiazzo, S Cabo
Environmental monitoring and assessment 117, 109-134, 2006
Tillage affects soil aggregation parameters linked with wind erosion
GG Hevia, M Mendez, DE Buschiazzo
Geoderma 140 (1-2), 90-96, 2007
Soil carbon, multiple benefits
E Milne, SA Banwart, E Noellemeyer, DJ Abson, C Ballabio, F Bampa, ...
Environmental Development 13, 33-38, 2015
Determination of the wind-erodible fraction of soils using different methodologies
MV López, JM de Dios Herrero, GG Hevia, R Gracia, DE Buschiazzo
Geoderma 139 (3-4), 407-411, 2007
Cultivation effects on the distribution of organic carbon, total nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of the semiarid region of Argentinian Pampas
AM Urioste, GG Hevia, EN Hepper, LE Anton, AA Bono, DE Buschiazzo
Geoderma 136 (3-4), 621-630, 2006
Tillage effects on soil carbon balance in a semiarid agroecosystem
A Bono, R Alvarez, DE Buschiazzo, RJC Cantet
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (4), 1140-1149, 2008
Patterns of organic matter accumulation in soils of the semiarid Argentinian Pampas
DE Buschiazzo, AR Quiroga, K Stahr
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 154 (6), 437-441, 1991
Field wind erosion measurements with big spring number eight (BSNE) and modified wilson and cook (MWAC) samplers
MJ Mendez, R Funk, DE Buschiazzo
Geomorphology 129 (1-2), 43-48, 2011
Wind erosion risk in agricultural soils under different tillage systems in the semiarid Pampas of Argentina
MJ Mendez, DE Buschiazzo
Soil and Tillage Research 106 (2), 311-316, 2010
Management discriminant properties in semiarid soils
AR Quiroga, DE Buschiazzo, N Peinemann
Soil Science 163 (7), 591-597, 1998
Wind erosion quantity and quality of an Entic Haplustoll of the semi-arid pampas of Argentina
DE Buschiazzo, TM Zobeck, SA Abascal
Journal of arid environments 69 (1), 29-39, 2007
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