The cost of producing a sexual signal: testosterone increases the susceptibility of male lizards to ectoparasitic infestation A Salvador, JP Veiga, J Martin, P Lopez, M Abelenda, M Puertac Behavioral Ecology 7 (2), 145-150, 1996 | 293 | 1996 |
Tail loss reduces mating success in the Iberian rock-lizard, Lacerta monticola J Martin, A Salvador Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 32, 185-189, 1993 | 194 | 1993 |
Basking and antipredator behaviour in a high altitude lizard: implications of heat‐exchange rate LM Carrascal, P López, J Martín, A Salvador Ethology 92 (2), 143-154, 1992 | 193 | 1992 |
Plecoptera JMT de Figueroa Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones …, 2003 | 190* | 2003 |
Guía de los anfibios y reptiles españoles. A Salvador | 153 | 1974 |
A revision of the lizards of the genus Acanthodactylus (Sauria: Lacertidae) A Salvador Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, 1982 | 143 | 1982 |
Tail loss reduces home range size and access to females in male lizards, Psammodromus algirus A Salvador, J Martin, P López Behavioral Ecology 6 (4), 382-387, 1995 | 132 | 1995 |
Tail loss consequences on habitat use by the Iberian rock lizard, Lacerta monticola J Martín, A Salvador Oikos, 328-333, 1992 | 129 | 1992 |
Anfibios españoles: identificación, historia natural y distribución A Salvador, M García-París Canseco Editores, 2001 | 119 | 2001 |
Guía de campo de los anfibios y reptiles de la Península Ibérica, Islas Baleares y Canarias A Salvador Santiago García, 1985 | 115 | 1985 |
Reproductive effort affects immune response and parasite infection in a lizard: a phenotypic manipulation using testosterone JP Veiga, A Salvador, S Merino, M Puerta Oikos, 313-318, 1998 | 108 | 1998 |
Correlates of reproductive success in male lizards of the alpine species Iberolacerta cyreni A Salvador, JA Díaz, JP Veiga, P Bloor, RP Brown Behavioral Ecology 19 (1), 169-176, 2008 | 88 | 2008 |
Mediterranean hatchling lizards grow faster at higher altitude: a reciprocal transplant experiment P Iraeta, C Monasterio, A Salvador, JA Díaz Functional Ecology, 865-872, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |
Microhabitat selection by the Iberian rock lizard Lacerta monticola: effects on density and spatial distribution of individuals J Martín, A Salvador Biological Conservation 79 (2-3), 303-307, 1997 | 86 | 1997 |
Tail loss and foraging tactics of the Iberian rock-lizard, Lacerta monticola J Martín, A Salvador Oikos, 318-324, 1993 | 86 | 1993 |
Enciclopedia virtual de los vertebrados Españoles A Salvador, A Marco Museo Nacional de, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Effects of tail loss on the time-budgets, movements, and spacing patterns of Iberian rock lizards, Lacerta monticola J Martín, A Salvador Herpetologica, 117-125, 1997 | 81 | 1997 |
Thermoregulatory behaviour of rock lizards in response to tail loss J Martin, A Salvador Behaviour 124 (1-2), 123-136, 1993 | 81 | 1993 |
The effects of thermal biology and refuge availability on the restricted distribution of an alpine lizard C Monasterio, A Salvador, P Iraeta, JA Díaz Journal of Biogeography 36 (9), 1673-1684, 2009 | 80 | 2009 |
Reproductive phenology and temporal patterns of mate access in Mediterranean anurans A Salvador, LM Carrascal Journal of Herpetology 24 (4), 438-441, 1990 | 80 | 1990 |