Sujay Pal
Sujay Pal
Assistant Professor
Верификована је имејл адреса на srikrishnacollegebagula.ac.in
Modeling of the Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio wave signal profile due to solar flares using the GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation coupled with ionospheric chemistry
S Palit, T Basak, SK Mondal, S Pal, SK Chakrabarti
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 13 (3), 6007-6033, 2013
Modeling of sub-ionospheric VLF signal perturbations associated with total solar eclipse, 2009 in Indian subcontinent
S Pal, SK Chakrabarti, SK Mondal
Advances in Space Research 50 (2), 196-204, 2012
VLF signals in summer and winter in the Indian sub-continent using multi-station campaigns
SK Chakrabarti, SK Mondal, S Sasmal, S Pal, T Basak, S Chakrabarti, ...
Indian Journal of Physics 86, 323-334, 2012
Sub-ionospheric VLF signal anomaly due to geomagnetic storms: a statistical study
K Tatsuta, Y Hobara, S Pal, M Balikhin
Annales Geophysicae 33 (11), 1457-1467, 2015
Theoretical models for computing VLF wave amplitude and phase and their applications
S Pal, SK Chakrabarti
AIP Conference Proceedings 1286 (1), 42-60, 2010
VLF campaign during the total eclipse of July 22nd, 2009: Observational results and interpretations
SK Chakrabarti, S Pal, S Sasmal, SK Mondal, S Ray, T Basak, SK Maji, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 86, 65-70, 2012
First ever VLF monitoring of the lunar occultation of a solar flare during the 2010 annular solar eclipse and its effects on the D-region electron density profile
S Pal, SK Maji, SK Chakrabarti
Planetary and Space Science 73 (1), 310-317, 2012
Theoretical study of lower ionospheric response to solar flares: sluggishness of D-region and peak time delay
S Palit, T Basak, S Pal, SK Chakrabarti
Astrophysics and Space Science 356, 19-28, 2015
Ph.D. Thesis
S Pal
http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05789, 2013
First Detection of Global Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with the Most Powerful Gamma Ray Burst GRB221009A
OK Sujay Pal, Yasuhide Hobara, Alexander Shvets, Peter Wilhelm Schnoor ...
Atmosphere 14 (2), 217, 2023
Low‐latitude VLF radio signal disturbances due to the extremely severe cyclone fani of May 2019 and associated mesospheric response
S Pal, S Sarkar, SK Midya, SK Mondal, Y Hobara
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (5), e2019JA027288, 2020
Numerical modelling of VLF radio wave propagation through earth-ionosphere waveguide and its application to sudden ionospheric disturbances
S Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.05789, 2015
On the use of Very Low Frequency transmitter data for remote sensing of atmospheric gravity and planetary waves
S Pal, S Chakraborty, SK Chakrabarti
Advances in Space Research 55 (4), 1190-1198, 2015
VLF observation during Leonid meteor shower-2002 from Kolkata
SK Chakrabarti, S Pal, K Acharyya, S Mandal, S Chakrabarti, R Khan, ...
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0501288, 2005
D-region ionospheric disturbances associated with the Extremely Severe Cyclone Fani over North Indian Ocean as observed from two tropical VLF stations
B Das, S Sarkar, PK Haldar, SK Midya, S Pal
Advances in Space Research 67 (1), 75-86, 2021
Results of VLF campaigns in Summer, Winter and during Solar Eclipse in Indian subcontinent and beyond
SK Chakrabarti, S Sasmal, S Pal, SK Mondal
AIP Conference Proceedings 1286 (1), 61-76, 2010
Propagation Effects of Very Low Frequency Radio Waves
SK Chakrabarti
AIP Conference Proceedings 1286, 362, 2010
Mid-latitude atmosphere and ionosphere connection as revealed by very low frequency signals
S Pal, Y Hobara
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 138, 227-232, 2016
Effects of the major Sudden Stratospheric Warming event of 2009 on the sub‐ionospheric Very Low Frequency/Low Frequency radio signals
S Pal, Y Hobara, SK Chakrabarti, PW Schnoor
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (7), 7555-7566, 2017
Study of long path VLF signal propagation characteristics as observed from Indian Antarctic station, Maitri
S Sasmal, S Pal, SK Chakrabarti
Advances in Space Research 54 (8), 1619-1628, 2014
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