Claire Pagetti
Claire Pagetti
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Predictable flight management system implementation on a multicore processor
G Durrieu, M Faugère, S Girbal, DG Pérez, C Pagetti, W Puffitsch
Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS'14), 2014
New challenges for future avionic architectures.
P Bieber, F Boniol, M Boyer, E Noulard, C Pagetti
Aerospace Lab, p. 1-10, 2012
N-synchronous Kahn networks: a relaxed model of synchrony for real-time systems
A Cohen, M Duranton, C Eisenbeis, C Pagetti, F Plateau, M Pouzet
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 41 (1), 180-193, 2006
Multi-task implementation of multi-periodic synchronous programs
C Pagetti, J Forget, F Boniol, M Cordovilla, D Lesens
Discrete event dynamic systems 21, 307-338, 2011
The ROSACE case study: From simulink specification to multi/many-core execution
C Pagetti, D Saussié, R Gratia, E Noulard, P Siron
2014 IEEE 19th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium …, 2014
Scheduling dependent periodic tasks without synchronization mechanisms
J Forget, F Boniol, E Grolleau, D Lesens, C Pagetti
2010 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium …, 2010
Distributed run-time WCET controller for concurrent critical tasks in mixed-critical systems
A Kritikakou, C Rochange, M Faugère, C Pagetti, M Roy, S Girbal, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2014
Distributed simulation of heterogeneous and real-time systems
G Lasnier, J Cardoso, P Siron, C Pagetti, P Derler
2013 IEEE/ACM 17th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and …, 2013
Deterministic execution model on cots hardware
F Boniol, H Cassé, E Noulard, C Pagetti
International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, 98-110, 2012
A multi-periodic synchronous data-flow language
J Forget, F Boniol, D Lesens, C Pagetti
2008 11th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium, 251-260, 2008
Off-line mapping of multi-rate dependent task sets to many-core platforms
W Puffitsch, E Noulard, C Pagetti
Real-Time Systems 51, 526-565, 2015
Mapping hard real-time applications on many-core processors
Q Perret, P Maurère, É Noulard, C Pagetti, P Sainrat, B Triquet
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2016
Run-time control to increase task parallelism in mixed-critical systems
A Kritikakou, C Pagetti, O Baldellon, M Roy, C Rochange
2014 26th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 119-128, 2014
Preliminary design of future reconfigurable IMA platforms
P Bieber, E Noulard, C Pagetti, T Planche, F Vialard
ACM Sigbed Review 6 (3), 1-5, 2009
Temporal isolation of hard real-time applications on many-core processors
Q Perret, P Maurere, E Noulard, C Pagetti, P Sainrat, B Triquet
2016 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS …, 2016
White paper machine learning in certified systems
H Delseny, C Gabreau, A Gauffriau, B Beaudouin, L Ponsolle, L Alecu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.10529, 2021
CoCoSim, a code generation framework for control/command applications: An overview of CoCoSim for multi-periodic discrete Simulink models
H Bourbouh, PL Garoche, T Loquen, É Noulard, C Pagetti
Embedded Real Time Systems (ERTS) 2020, 2020
Latency and freshness analysis on IMA systems
M Lauer, J Ermont, F Boniol, C Pagetti
ETFA2011, 1-8, 2011
A real-time architecture design language for multi-rate embedded control systems
J Forget, F Boniol, D Lesens, C Pagetti
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 527-534, 2010
Developing critical embedded systems on multicore architectures: the Prelude-SchedMCore toolset
M Cordovilla, F Boniol, J Forget, E Noulard, C Pagetti
19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems, 2011
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