Iria Estévez-Ayres
Iria Estévez-Ayres
Associate Professor of Telematic Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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Understanding learners’ motivation and learning strategies in MOOCs
C Alario-Hoyos, I Estévez-Ayres, M Pérez-Sanagustín, C Delgado Kloos, ...
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 18 (3 …, 2017
Self-regulated learning in MOOCs: lessons learned from a literature review
ME Alonso-Mencía, C Alario-Hoyos, J Maldonado-Mahauad, ...
Educational Review 72 (3), 319-345, 2020
Mixing and blending MOOC Technologies with face-to-face pedagogies
CD Kloos, PJ Muñoz-Merino, C Alario-Hoyos, IE Ayres, ...
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 967-971, 2015
Sentiment analysis in MOOCs: A case study
PM Moreno-Marcos, C Alario-Hoyos, PJ Muñoz-Merino, I Estévez-Ayres, ...
2018 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 1489-1496, 2018
QoS-aware real-time composition algorithms for service-based applications
I Estevez-Ayres, P Basanta-Val, M García-Valls, JA Fisteus, L Almeida
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 5 (3), 278-288, 2009
A learning analytics methodology for understanding social interactions in MOOCs
PM Moreno-Marcos, C Alario-Hoyos, PJ Muñoz-Merino, I Estevez-Ayres, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 12 (4), 442-455, 2018
Analysing the predictive power for anticipating assignment grades in a massive open online course
PM Moreno-Marcos, PJ Muñoz-Merino, C Alario-Hoyos, I Estévez-Ayres, ...
Behaviour & Information Technology 37 (10-11), 1021-1036, 2018
MyLearningMentor: A mobile app to support learners participating in MOOCs
C Alario-Hoyos, I Estévez-Ayres, M Pérez-Sanagustin, D Leony, CD Kloos
Journal of Universal Computer Science 21 (5), 735-753, 2015
Simple asynchronous remote invocations for distributed real-time java
PB Val, M Garcia-Valls, I Estevez-Ayres
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 5 (3), 289-298, 2009
Real-time reconfiguration in multimedia embedded systems
M Garcia-Valls, P Basanta-Val, I Estevez-Ayres
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 57 (3), 1280-1287, 2011
Interactive activities: the key to learning programming with MOOCs
C Alario-Hoyos, CD Kloos, I Estévez-Ayres, C Fernández-Panadero, ...
Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on Experiences and Best …, 2016
Adaptive real-time video transmission over DDS
M García-Valls, P Basanta-Val, I Estévez-Ayres
2010 8th IEEE international conference on industrial informatics, 130-135, 2010
A methodology for improving active learning engineering courses with a large number of students and teachers through feedback gathering and iterative refinement
I Estévez-Ayres, C Alario-Hoyos, M Pérez-Sanagustín, A Pardo, ...
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-22, 2014
Analysing self-regulated learning strategies of MOOC learners through self-reported data
ME Alonso-Mencía, C Alario-Hoyos, I Estévez-Ayres, CD Kloos
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 37 (3), 56-70, 2021
From MOOCs to SPOCs… and from SPOCs to flipped classroom
C Alario-Hoyos, I Estévez-Ayres, C Delgado Kloos, J Villena-Román
Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education: 12th European Conference on …, 2017
Towards a synchronous scheduling service on top of a unicast distributed real-time java
P Basanta-Val, L Almeida, M Garcia-Valls, I Estevez-Ayres
13th IEEE Real Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS …, 2007
A synchronous scheduling service for distributed real-time Java
P Basanta-Val, I Estévez-Ayres, M Garcia-Valls, L Almeida
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 21 (4), 506-519, 2009
Towards the integration of scoped memory in distributed real-time Java
P Basanta-Val, M García-Valls, I Estévez-Ayres
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed …, 2005
An architecture to support dynamic service composition in distributed real-time systems
I Estevez-Avres, L Almeida, M Garcia-Vails, P Basanta-Val
Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2007. ISORC …, 2007
No-Heap remote objects for distributed real-time Java
P Basanta-Val, M Garcia-Valls, I Estevez-Ayres
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 10 (1), 1-25, 2010
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