Saif Ur Rehman
Saif Ur Rehman
Верификована је имејл адреса на imperial.ac.uk
Knowledge, attitude, practice and perceived barriers among healthcare workers regarding COVID-19: a cross-sectional survey from Pakistan
M Saqlain, MM Munir, SU Rehman, A Gulzar, S Naz, Z Ahmed, AH Tahir, ...
Journal of Hospital infection 105 (3), 419-423, 2020
Rainfall trends in different climate zones of Pakistan
S Salma, S Rehman, MA Shah
Pakistan Journal of Meteorology 9 (17), 2012
Evolutionary trajectory for the emergence of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
SU Rehman, L Shafique, A Ihsan, Q Liu
Pathogens 9 (3), 240, 2020
Achieving supply chain resilience: the role of supply chain ambidexterity and supply chain agility
H Aslam, AQ Khan, K Rashid, S Rehman
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31 (6), 1185-1204, 2020
Anomaly detection in automated vehicles using multistage attention-based convolutional neural network
AR Javed, M Usman, SU Rehman, MU Khan, MS Haghighi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (7), 4291-4300, 2020
Salt-induced changes in two canola cultivars differing in salt tolerance
M Qasim, M Ashraf, MY Ashraf, SU Rehman, ES Rha
Biologia plantarum 46, 629-632, 2003
Design of micro-hydro-electric power station
BA Nasir
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2 (5), 39-47, 2013
Infection in orthopedic implant surgery, its risk factors and outcome
MS Khan, S Rehman, MA Ali, B Sultan, S Sultan
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 20 (1), 23-5, 2008
Impacts of job satisfaction on organizational commitment: a theoretical model for academicians in HEI of developing countries like Pakistan
K Rehman, Z Rehman, N Saif, AS Khan, A Nawaz, S Rehman
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2013
Salt-induced changes in photosynthetic activity and growth in a potential medicinal plant Bishop’s weed (Ammi majus L.)
M Ashraf, N Mukhtar, S Rehman, ES Rha
Photosynthetica 42, 543-550, 2004
How knowledge sharing encourages innovative work behavior through occupational self-efficacy? The moderating role of entrepreneurial leadership
T Islam, I Zahra, SU Rehman, S Jamil
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 73 (1/2), 67-83, 2024
Comparison of efficacy and safety of intralesional triamcinolone and combination of triamcinolone with 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars …
FA Khalid, MY Mehrose, M Saleem, MA Yousaf, AM Mujahid, SU Rehman, ...
Burns 45 (1), 69-75, 2019
Impact of psychological capital on occupational burnout and performance of faculty members
S Rehman, C Qingren, Y Latif, P Iqbal
International Journal of Educational Management 31 (4), 455-469, 2017
Sero-prevalence of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus in sheep and goats in Punjab province of Pakistan
HA Khan, M Siddique, MJ Arshad, QM Khan, SU Rehman
Pakistan veterinary journal 27 (3), 109, 2007
Detection of adulteration, chemical composition and hygienic status of milk supplied to various canteens of educational institutes and public places in Faisalabad
A Faraz, M Lateef, MI Mustafa, P Akhtar, M Yaqoob, S Rehman
J. Anim. Plant Sci 23 (Suppl 1), 119-124, 2013
Physical and spectroscopic characterization of Pakistani honey
TM Saif-ur-Rehman, Zia Farooq Khan
Cien. Inv. Agr 35 (2), 199-204, 2008
Global data analysis and risk factors associated with morbidity and mortality of COVID-19
SS Tazerji, F Shahabinejad, M Tokasi, MA Rad, MS Khan, M Safdar, ...
Gene reports 26, 101505, 2022
Effect of water stress on physico-chemical properties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
IR Noorka, S Rehman, JR Haidry, I Khaliq, S Tabassam, M Din
Pak. J. Bot 41 (6), 2917-2924, 2009
Innovative application of the public–private partnership model to the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in China
T Yang, R Long, W Li, SUR Rehman
Sustainability 8 (8), 738, 2016
Chemical characteristics of various composite flours
N Shahzadi, MS Butt, SU Rehman, K Sharif
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 7 (1), 105-108, 2005
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