Danijela Jemo
Danijela Jemo
Head of the Textile Conservation Workshop, Department of Art and Restoration, University of
Верификована је имејл адреса на unidu.hr
The story of two historical textile fragments: Technical analysis and reconstruction of the lost textile pattern
MM Kodrič Kesovia, Ž Penava, D Jemo
Textile research journal 91 (23-24), 2859-2871, 2021
Identification of natural dyes on 18th century liturgical textiles from Dubrovnik
D Jemo, D Parac-Osterman
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe 25 (1 (121)), 2017
Revealing the origin: the secrets of textile fragments hidden inside the 19th century chasuble from Dubrovnik
D Jemo, D Parac-Osterman
Materials 14 (16), 4650, 2021
Production, technology, dyeing and textile trading in the context of maritime-trade routes of Dubrovnik
D Jemo, D Parac-Osterman
Naˇse more 63 (1), 36-43, 2016
Čišćenje povijesnog tekstila
D Jemo, I Soljačić, T Pušić
Textile 59 (1-2), 30-41, 2010
Konstrukcijska analiza veza u tkanju tekstilnih materijala u dijagnostičkom istraživanju umjetničkih predmeta
MM Kodrič Kesovia, D Jemo
Godišnjak zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske, 163-172, 2012
Textile technological analysis of old fabrics with large and complex patterns
D Jemo, S Kovacevic
Tekstil 60 (6), 267-272, 2011
Razvojni tijekovi proizvodnje, tehnologije bojenja i trgovine tekstilom u kontekstu pomorsko-trgovačkih puteva Dubrovnika
D Jemo, Đ Parac-Osterman
NAŠE MORE: znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo 63 (1 Supplement), 36-43, 2016
Indentification of Dyes on Historic Textiles of 18th and 19th Century from Dubrovnik
D Jemo
Ph. D. Thesis, 2014
Resturation of 19th century red attire from the church of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary on lokrum
D Jemo, KMM Kodrič
Book of Proceedings 4th International Scientific-Professional Symposium …, 2011
Identyfikacja naturalnych barwnik w na XVIII-to wiecznych tekstyliach liturgicznych z Dubrownika
D Jemo, D Parac-Osterman
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 25 (1 (121)), 113-120, 2017
Application of computer graphics in textile conservation during the documentation process
D Jemo, T Rolich
6th international textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Magic World of …, 2012
Challenges of Exhibiting Ethnographic Costumes: Interinstitutional Project of Replacing Display Mannequins in Ethnographic Museum of Dubrovnik.
D Jemo, B Margaretić, MM Kodrič Kesovia
Heritage (2571-9408) 7 (9), 2024
Rad na kulturnoj baštini-pokretač zdravlja i blagostanja
D Jemo, D Erak
Documenting and preserving Textile Heritage using digital documentation techniques: The conservation and restoration of headgear from the Baltazar Bogišić collection in Cavtat
D Jemo, D Erak
16th International Scientific Professional Symposium" Textile Science …, 2024
Etnografske svečane cipele-od restauracije do izrade kopije
S Vladić, D Jemo, S Serhatlić, MM Kodrič Kesovia
Časopis Koža & Obuća 72 (1), 11-15, 2023
Od restauracije etnografskog predmeta do izrade kopije
S Vladić, D Jemo, S Serhatlić, MM Kodrič Kesovia
Tekstilna znanost i gospodarstvo (Textile science and economy), 210-215, 2023
Revealing the Origin: The Secrets of Textile Fragments Hidden inside the 19th Century Chasuble from Dubrovnik. Materials 2021, 14, 4650
D Jemo, D Parac-Osterman
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Metode digitalizacije u dokumentiranju kulturne baštine u konzervaciji-restauraciji tekstila
D Jemo, D Vokić, MM Kodrič Kesovia
D-FEST 2021: Deseti festival hrvatskih digitalizacijskih projekata, 2021
Kako postati konzervator-restaurator?
D Jemo
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