Lene Holm Pedersen
Lene Holm Pedersen
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
Верификована је имејл адреса на ifs.ku.dk
Investigating the structure and meaning of public service motivation across populations: Developing an international instrument and addressing issues of measurement invariance
S Kim, W Vandenabeele, BE Wright, LB Andersen, FP Cerase, ...
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23 (1), 79-102, 2013
Performance in public organizations: Clarifying the conceptual space
LB Andersen, A Boesen, LH Pedersen
Public Administration Review 76 (6), 852-862, 2016
How does public service motivation among teachers affect student performance in schools?
LB Andersen, E Heinesen, LH Pedersen
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 24 (3), 651-671, 2014
Public values and public service motivation: Conceptual and empirical relationships
LB Andersen, TB Jørgensen, AM Kjeldsen, LH Pedersen, K Vrangbæk
The American Review of Public Administration 43 (3), 292-311, 2013
One‐stop shops for social welfare: The adaptation of an organizational form in three countries
J Askim, AL Fimreite, A Moseley, LH Pedersen
Public Administration 89 (4), 1451-1468, 2011
Public service motivation and professionalism
L Bøgh Andersen, L Holm Pedersen
International Journal of Public Administration 35 (1), 46-57, 2012
Public value dimensions: Developing and testing a multi-dimensional classification
LB Andersen, TB Jørgensen, AM Kjeldsen, LH Pedersen, K Vrangbæk
International journal of public administration 35 (11), 715-728, 2012
Does ownership matter? Public service motivation among physiotherapists in the private and public sectors in Denmark
LB Andersen, T Pallesen, L Holm Pedersen
Review of Public Personnel Administration 31 (1), 10-27, 2011
Administrative professionals and the diffusion of innovations: The case of citizen service centres
Y Bhatti, AL Olsen, LH Pedersen
Public Administration 89 (2), 577-594, 2011
The dynamics of green consumption: a matter of visibility?
LH Pedersen
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 2 (3), 193-210, 2000
Do municipal mergers improve fiscal outcomes?
SW Hansen, K Houlberg, LH Pedersen
Scandinavian Political Studies 37 (2), 196-214, 2014
The effects of administrative professionals on contracting out
Y Bhatti, AL Olsen, LH Pedersen
Governance 22 (1), 121-137, 2009
Independent regulatory authorities in European electricity markets
A Larsen, LH Pedersen, EM Sørensen, OJ Olsen
Energy policy 34 (17), 2858-2870, 2006
Committed to the public interest? Motivation and behavioural outcomes among local councillors
LH Pedersen
Public Administration 92 (4), 886-901, 2014
Is realist evaluation a realistic approach for complex reforms?
LH Pedersen, O Rieper
Evaluation 14 (3), 271-293, 2008
Individual performance: From common source bias to institutionalized assessment
LB Andersen, E Heinesen, LH Pedersen
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 26 (1), 63-78, 2016
Attracting public service motivated employees: How to design compensation packages
LB Andersen, T Eriksson, N Kristensen, LH Pedersen
International Review of Administrative Sciences 78 (4), 615-641, 2012
Styring og motivation i den offentlige sektor
LB Andersen, LH Pedersen
Djøf Forlag, 2014
Ideas are transformed as they transfer: a comparative study of eco-taxation in Scandinavia
L Holm Pedersen
Journal of European Public Policy 14 (1), 59-77, 2007
Transfer and transformation in processes of Europeanization
LH Pedersen
European Journal of Political Research 45 (6), 985-1021, 2006
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