Felix Hamborg
Felix Hamborg
HU Berlin, DE (prev.: U. Konstanz, NII Tokyo, HP Research, IBM Research)
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Automated identification of media bias in news articles: an interdisciplinary literature review
F Hamborg, K Donnay, B Gipp
International Journal on Digital Libraries 20 (4), 391-415, 2019
F Hamborg, N Meuschke, C Breitinger, B Gipp
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2017
Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features
T Spinde, L Rudnitckaia, J Mitrović, F Hamborg, M Granitzer, B Gipp, ...
Information Processing & Management 58 (3), 102505, 2021
NewsMTSC: a dataset for (multi-) target-dependent sentiment classification in political news articles
F Hamborg, K Donnay, P Merlo
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2021
Giveme5w1h: A universal system for extracting main events from news articles
F Hamborg, C Breitinger, B Gipp
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.02766, 2019
MBIC--A Media Bias Annotation Dataset Including Annotator Characteristics
T Spinde, L Rudnitckaia, K Sinha, F Hamborg, B Gipp, K Donnay
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11910, 2021
Automated identification of media bias by word choice and labeling in news articles
F Hamborg, A Zhukova, B Gipp
2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 196-205, 2019
Enabling news consumers to view and understand biased news coverage: a study on the perception and visualization of media bias
T Spinde, F Hamborg, K Donnay, A Becerra, B Gipp
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries in 2020 …, 2020
Bias-aware news analysis using matrix-based news aggregation
F Hamborg, N Meuschke, B Gipp
International Journal on Digital Libraries 21 (2), 129-147, 2020
Giveme5w: main event retrieval from news articles by extraction of the five journalistic w questions
F Hamborg, S Lachnit, M Schubotz, T Hepp, B Gipp
International conference on information, 356-366, 2018
Matrix-based news aggregation: exploring different news perspectives
F Hamborg, N Meuschke, B Gipp
2017 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 1-10, 2017
Introducing mathqa: a math-aware question answering system
M Schubotz, P Scharpf, K Dudhat, Y Nagar, F Hamborg, B Gipp
Information Discovery and Delivery 46 (4), 214-224, 2018
Media bias, the social sciences, and nlp: Automating frame analyses to identify bias by word choice and labeling
F Hamborg
Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2020
Analyzing mathematical content to detect academic plagiarism
N Meuschke, M Schubotz, F Hamborg, T Skopal, B Gipp
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge …, 2017
Evaluating and improving the extraction of mathematical identifier definitions
M Schubotz, L Krämer, N Meuschke, F Hamborg, B Gipp
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 8th …, 2017
An integrated approach to detect media bias in german news articles
T Spinde, F Hamborg, B Gipp
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries in 2020 …, 2020
Classification and clustering of arxiv documents, sections, and abstracts, comparing encodings of natural and mathematical language
P Scharpf, M Schubotz, A Youssef, F Hamborg, N Meuschke, B Gipp
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020 …, 2020
Media bias in german news articles: A combined approach
T Spinde, F Hamborg, B Gipp
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2020
Illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants? Towards the automated identification of bias by word choice and labeling
F Hamborg, A Zhukova, B Gipp
Information in Contemporary Society: 14th International Conference …, 2019
Extraction of main event descriptors from news articles by answering the journalistic five W and one H questions
F Hamborg, C Breitinger, M Schubotz, S Lachnit, B Gipp
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries …, 2018
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