Michelle Tseng
Michelle Tseng
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Decreases in beetle body size linked to climate change and warming temperatures
M Tseng, KM Kaur, S Soleimani Pari, K Sarai, D Chan, CH Yao, P Porto, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (3), 647-659, 2018
Sexual dimorphism and allometry in the giant water strider Gigantometra gigas
M Tseng, L Rowe
Canadian Journal of Zoology 77 (6), 923-929, 1999
Strategies and support for Black, Indigenous, and people of colour in ecology and evolutionary biology
M Tseng, RW El-Sabaawi, MB Kantar, JH Pantel, DS Srivastava, JL Ware
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (10), 1288-1290, 2020
Interactions between the parasite’s previous and current environment mediate the outcome of parasite infection
M Tseng
The American Naturalist 168 (4), 565-571, 2006
Sex–specific response of a mosquito to parasites and crowding
M Tseng
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Predators modify the evolutionary response of prey to temperature change
M Tseng, MI O'Connor
Biology letters 11 (12), 20150798, 2015
A Simple Parafilm M-Based Method for Blood-Feeding Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)
M Tseng
Journal of Medical Entomology 40 (4), 588-589, 2003
The effect of food limitation on immunity factors and disease resistance in the western tent caterpillar
JH Myers, JS Cory, JD Ericsson, ML Tseng
Oecologia 167, 647-655, 2011
Body size explains interspecific variation in size–latitude relationships in geographically widespread beetle species.
M Tseng, S Soleimani Pari
Ecological entomology 44 (1), 2019
The relationship between parasite fitness and host condition in an insect-virus system
M Tseng, JH Myers
PLoS One 9 (9), e106401, 2014
Ascogregarine parasites as possible biocontrol agents of mosquitoes
M Tseng
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 23 (sp2), 30-34, 2007
Parasite transgenerational effects on infection
T Little, J Birch, P Vale, M Tseng
Evolutionary Ecology Research 9 (3), 459-469, 2007
Wildcards in climate change biology
DS Srivastava, L Coristine, AL Angert, M Bontrager, SL Amundrud, ...
Ecological Monographs 91 (4), e01471, 2021
Digital technology helps remove gender bias in academia
J Fortin, B Bartlett, M Kantar, M Tseng, Z Mehrabi
Scientometrics 126 (5), 4073-4081, 2021
Life‐history responses of a mayfly to seasonal constraints and predation risk
M Tseng
Ecological Entomology 28 (1), 119-123, 2003
Species interactions mediate thermal evolution
M Tseng, JR Bernhardt, AE Chila
Evolutionary Applications 12 (7), 1463-1474, 2019
Phylogeography of the Coastal Mosquito Aedes togoi across Climatic Zones: Testing an Anthropogenic Dispersal Hypothesis
T Sota, P Belton, M Tseng, HS Yong, M Mogi
PloS one 10 (6), e0131230, 2015
Cascading effects of algal warming in a freshwater community
M Tseng, CM Di Filippo, M Fung, JO Kim, IP Forster, Y Zhou
Functional Ecology 35 (4), 920-929, 2021
No effect of realistic microplastic exposure on growth and development of wild-caught Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes
M Thormeyer, M Tseng
Journal of Medical Entomology 60 (3), 604-607, 2023
A comparison of epifaunal invertebrate communities in native eelgrass Zostera marina and non-native Zostera japonica at Tsawwassen, BC
NS Knight, C Prentice, M Tseng, MI O'Connor
Marine Biology Research 11 (6), 564-571, 2015
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