Christian Baden
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Political polarization on the digital sphere: A cross-platform, over-time analysis of interactional, positional, and affective polarization on social media
M Yarchi, C Baden, N Kligler-Vilenchik
Political Communication 38 (1-2), 98-139, 2021
Putting the image back into the frame: Modeling the linkage between visual communication and frame-processing theory
S Geise, C Baden
Communication Theory 25 (1), 46-69, 2015
Three gaps in computational text analysis methods for social sciences: A research agenda
C Baden, C Pipal, M Schoonvelde, MACG van der Velden
Communication Methods and Measures 16 (1), 1-18, 2022
Fleeting, fading, or far-reaching? A knowledge-based model of the persistence of framing effects
C Baden, S Lecheler
Communication Theory 22 (4), 359-382, 2012
Com (ple) menting the news on the financial crisis: The contribution of news users’ commentary to the diversity of viewpoints in the public debate
C Baden, N Springer
European journal of communication 29 (5), 529-548, 2014
Conceptualizing viewpoint diversity in news discourse
C Baden, N Springer
Journalism 18 (2), 176-194, 2017
Interpretative polarization across platforms: How political disagreement develops over time on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp
N Kligler-Vilenchik, C Baden, M Yarchi
Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2056305120944393, 2020
Communication, contextualization & cognition: Patterns & processes of frames' influence on people's interpretations of the European Constitution
C Baden
power, 246, 2010
The search for common ground in conflict news research: Comparing the coverage of six current conflicts in domestic and international media over time
C Baden, K Tenenboim-Weinblatt
Media, War & Conflict 11 (1), 22-45, 2018
Convergent news? A longitudinal study of similarity and dissimilarity in the domestic and global coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
C Baden, K Tenenboim-Weinblatt
Journal of Communication 67 (1), 1-25, 2017
Blinded by the lies? Toward an integrated definition of conspiracy theories
C Baden, T Sharon
Communication Theory 31 (1), 82-106, 2021
Hybrid content analysis: Toward a strategy for the theory-driven, computer-assisted classification of large text corpora
C Baden, N Kligler-Vilenchik, M Yarchi
Communication Methods and Measures 14 (3), 165-183, 2020
Diversity in news recommendations
A Bernstein, C De Vreese, N Helberger, W Schulz, K Zweig, C Baden, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09495, 2020
Journalistic transformation: How source texts are turned into news stories
K Tenenboim-Weinblatt, C Baden
Journalism 19 (4), 481-499, 2018
Machine translation vs. multilingual dictionaries assessing two strategies for the topic modeling of multilingual text collections
D Maier, C Baden, D Stoltenberg, M De Vries-Kedem, A Waldherr
Communication methods and measures 16 (1), 19-38, 2022
Framing the news
C Baden
The handbook of journalism studies, 229-245, 2019
Reconstructing frames from intertextual news discourse: A semantic network approach to news framing analysis
C Baden
Doing News Framing Analysis II, 3-26, 2018
Making sense: A reconstruction of people's understandings of the European constitutional referendum in the Netherlands
C Baden, CH de Vreese
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 33 (2), 117-145, 2008
Viewpoint, testimony, action: How journalists reposition source frames within news frames
C Baden, K Tenenboim-Weinblatt
Journalism Studies 19 (1), 143-161, 2018
Comprehensive viewpoint representations for a deeper understanding of user interactions with debated topics
T Draws, O Inel, N Tintarev, C Baden, B Timmermans
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and …, 2022
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