Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Läs mer

På den här sidan listas offentliga profiler för Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. Om du vill att din profil ska inkluderas här ställer du in din anknytning på Norwegian School of Sport Sciences och verifierar en e-postadress hos den här institutionen. dölj
Professor Ulf Ekelund, PhD

Professor Ulf Ekelund, PhD

Department of Sport Medicine, NSSS, Oslo, Norway and Norwegian Institute of Public …
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Citerat av 145675
Roald Bahr

Roald Bahr

Professor in Sports Medicine, Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, Norwegian School of …
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Citerat av 79320
Truls Raastad

Truls Raastad

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 16641
Jørgen Jensen

Jørgen Jensen

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 11380
Olivier R. Seynnes

Olivier R. Seynnes

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 8934
Jostein Hallén

Jostein Hallén

Professor i Sport Physiology, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 8555
Gøran Paulsen

Gøran Paulsen

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 7801
Anne Marte Pensgaard

Anne Marte Pensgaard

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 5416
Sigmund Loland

Sigmund Loland

Professor, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 4029
geir jordet

geir jordet

Professor of football and psychology, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
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Citerat av 3865
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