Structure of the human class I histocompatibility antigen, HLA-A2 PJ Bjorkman, MA Saper, B Samraoui, WS Bennett, JL Strominger, ... Nature 329 (6139), 506-512, 1987 | 6284* | 1987 |
A hypothetical model of the foreign antigen binding site of class II histocompatibility molecules JH Brown, T Jardetzky, MA Saper, B Samraoui, PJ Bjorkman, DC Wiley Nature 332 (6167), 845-850, 1988 | 1493 | 1988 |
Atlas of the Odonata of the Mediterranean and North Africa JP Boudot, VJ Kalkman, A Amorin, T Bogdanović, A Cordero Rivera, ... Libellula (Mönchengladbach) 9 (S), 1-256, 2009 | 345 | 2009 |
An ornithological survey of Algerian wetlands: Important Bird Areas, Ramsar sites and threatened species B Samraoui, F Samraoui Wildfowl 58 (58), 71-96, 2013 | 207 | 2013 |
Tertiary structural similarity between a class A β-lactamase and a penicillin-sensitive D-alanyl carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase B Samraoui, BJ Sutton, RJ Todd, PJ Artymiuk, SG Waley, DC Phillips Nature 320 (6060), 378-380, 1986 | 172 | 1986 |
The status and distribution of dragonflies of the Mediterranean Basin E Riservato, JP Boudot, S Ferreira, M Jovic, VJ Kalkman, W Schneider, ... Iucn, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
From Europe to Africa and vice versa: evidence for multiple intercontinental dispersal in ribbed salamanders (Genus Pleurodeles) M Veith, C Mayer, B Samraoui, DD Barroso, S Bogaerts Journal of Biogeography 31 (1), 159-171, 2004 | 129 | 2004 |
The Guerbes-Senhadja wetlands (NE Algeria) Part I: an overview B Samraoui, G de Belair Ecologie 28 (3), 233, 1997 | 113 | 1997 |
Focus on African freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern V Clausnitzer, KDB Dijkstra, R Koch, JP Boudot, WRT Darwall, J Kipping, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (3), 129-134, 2012 | 112 | 2012 |
Les zones humides de la Numidie orientale: bilan des connaissances et perspectives de gestion B Samraoui, G De Belair Synthèse 4, 1-90, 1998 | 112 | 1998 |
An appraisal of the status and distribution of waterbirds of Algeria: indicators of global changes? F Samraoui, AH Alfarhan, KAS Al-Rasheid, B Samraoui Ardeola 58 (1), 137-163, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
A contribution to the study of Algerian Odonata B Samraoui, R Menaï International journal of odonatology 2 (2), 145-165, 1999 | 101 | 1999 |
Postponed reproductive maturation in upland refuges maintains life-cycle continuity during the hot, dry season in Algerian dragonflies (Anisoptera) B Samraoui, S Bouzid, R Boulahbal, PS Corbet International journal of Odonatology 1 (2), 119-135, 1998 | 100 | 1998 |
Modeling seasonal and spatial contamination of surface waters and upper sediments with trace metal elements across industrialized urban areas of the Seybouse watershed in North … BE Belabed, A Meddour, B Samraoui, H Chenchouni Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189, 1-19, 2017 | 99 | 2017 |
The first recorded reproduction of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algeria: behavioural and ecological aspects B Samraoui, A Ouldjaoui, M Boulkhssaïm, M Houhamdi, M Saheb, ... Ostrich-Journal of African Ornithology 77 (3-4), 153-159, 2006 | 88 | 2006 |
The reproductive ecology of the Common Coot (Fulica atra) in the Hauts Plateaux, northeast Algeria F Samraoui, B Samraoui Waterbirds 30 (1), 133-139, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |
Trace metals in marine, brackish and freshwater prawns (Crustacea, Decapoda) from northeast Algeria C Abdennour, BD Smith, MS Boulakoud, B Samraoui, PS Rainbow Hydrobiologia 432, 217-227, 2000 | 81 | 2000 |
Status and diurnal behaviour of the Shelduck Tadorna tadorna in the Hauts Plateaux, northeast Algeria M Boulkhssaim, M Houhandi, B Samraoui Wildfowl 56 (56), 65-78, 2013 | 78 | 2013 |
Diurnal and nocturnal behaviour of Ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca at Lac des Oiseaux, northern Algeria M Houhamdi, B Samraoui Ardeola 55 (1), 59-69, 2008 | 75 | 2008 |
An overview of wetlands of Saudi Arabia: Values, threats, and perspectives S Al-Obaid, B Samraoui, J Thomas, HA El-Serehy, AH Alfarhan, ... Ambio 46, 98-108, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |