Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Nikolay VeresovLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 4
Playworlds and executive functions in children: Theorising with the cultural-historical analytical lenses
M Fleer, N Veresov, S Walker
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 54, 124-141, 2020
Krav: Australian Research Council
Enhancing executive function through imaginary play: A promising new practice principle
S Walker, M Fleer, N Veresov, I Duhn
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 45 (2), 114-126, 2020
Krav: Australian Research Council
Playworlds as an evidenced-based model of practice for the intentional teaching of executive functions
M Fleer, S Walker, A White, N Veresov, I Duhn
Early Years 42 (4-5), 572-586, 2022
Krav: Australian Research Council
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
M Fleer
Krav: Australian Research Council
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