Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Marja PeltolaLäs mer
Inte tillgänglig någonstans: 1
Pupils’ right to inclusion in an urban Finnish lower secondary school: a Bernsteinian analysis of pupils’ social relations
T Luoma, M Peltola
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1-19, 2024
Krav: Academy of Finland
Tillgängliga någonstans: 6
Respectable families: Discourses on family life, ethnic hierarchies and social positioning
M Peltola
Ethnicities 16 (1), 22-39, 2016
Krav: Academy of Finland
Everyday consequences of selectiveness. Borderwork in the informal sphere of a lower secondary school in the metropolitan area of Helsinki, Finland
M Peltola
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1-16, 2020
Krav: Academy of Finland
Intergenerational negotiations on (hetero)sexuality and romantic relationships - views of young people and parents in multi-ethnic contexts
M Peltola, S Keskinen, V Honkasalo, P Honkatukia
Journal of Youth Studies, 2016
Krav: Academy of Finland
Sports and structured leisure as sites of victimization for children and young people in Finland: Looking at the significance of gender and ethnicity
M Peltola, A Kivijärvi
International review for the sociology of sport 52 (8), 955-971, 2017
Krav: Academy of Finland
Doing Respectable Heteromasculinities in Boys and Young Men’s Talk on Sexual Encounters
T Aho, M Peltola
Men and Masculinities 26 (2), 210-228, 2023
Krav: Academy of Finland
Everyday life in schools in disadvantaged areas
M Peltola, H Huilla, T Luoma, R Oittinen
Finland’s Famous Education System: Unvarnished Insights into Finnish …, 2023
Krav: Academy of Finland
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