Leonardo Ramirez
Leonardo Ramirez
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Cultivating energy literacy: results from a longitudinal living lab study of a home energy management system
T Schwartz, S Denef, G Stevens, L Ramirez, V Wulf
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2013
What people do with consumption feedback: a long-term living lab study of a home energy management system
T Schwartz, G Stevens, T Jakobi, S Denef, L Ramirez, V Wulf, D Randall
Interacting with Computers 27 (6), 551-576, 2015
Peripheral response: Microblogging during the 22/7/2011 Norway attacks
SY Perng, M Büscher, L Wood, R Halvorsrud, M Stiso, L Ramirez, ...
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2013
Uncovering practices of making energy consumption accountable: A phenomenological inquiry
T Schwartz, G Stevens, L Ramirez, V Wulf
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 20 (2), 1-30, 2013
Sustainable energy practices at work: understanding the role of workers in energy conservation
T Schwartz, M Betz, L Ramirez, G Stevens
Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2010
Best practice in police social media adaptation
S Denef, N Kaptein, S Bayerl, L Ramirez
Handy navigation in ever-changing spaces: An ethnographic study of firefighting practices
S Denef, L Ramirez, T Dyrks, G Stevens
Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Designing interactive systems, 184-192, 2008
Towards human-centered support for indoor navigation
L Ramirez, S Denef, T Dyrks
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2009
Fuel consumption and friction benefits of low viscosity engine oils for heavy duty applications
B Tormos, L Ramírez, J Johansson, M Björling, R Larsson
Tribology International 110, 23-34, 2017
Help beacons: Design and evaluation of an ad-hoc lightweight sos system for smartphones
A Al-Akkad, L Ramirez, A Boden, D Randall, A Zimmermann
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
Landmarke: an ad hoc deployable ubicomp infrastructure to support indoor navigation of firefighters
L Ramirez, T Dyrks, J Gerwinski, M Betz, M Scholz, V Wulf
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16, 1025-1038, 2012
A general model to evaluate mechanical losses and auxiliary energy consumption in reciprocating internal combustion engines
B Tormos, J Martín, R Carreño, L Ramírez
Tribology International 123, 161-179, 2018
Tweeting'When Online is Off'? Opportunistically Creating Mobile Ad-hoc Networks in Response to Disrupted Infrastructure.
A Al-Akkad, C Raffelsberger, A Boden, L Ramirez, A Zimmermann, ...
ISCRAM, 2014
A concept for support of firefighter frontline communication
M Scholz, D Gordon, L Ramirez, S Sigg, T Dyrks, M Beigl
Future Internet 5 (2), 113-127, 2013
Fuel economy optimization from the interaction between engine oil and driving conditions
B Tormos, B Pla, S Bastidas, L Ramirez, T Perez
Tribology International 138, 263-270, 2019
Letting tools talk: interactive technology for firefighting
S Denef, L Ramirez, T Dyrks
CHI'09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4447-4452, 2009
" Reconstructing normality" the use of infrastructure leftovers in crisis situations as inspiration for the design of resilient technology
A Al-Akkad, L Ramirez, S Denef, A Boden, L Wood, M Büscher, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference …, 2013
A new manhattan project? Interoperability and ethics in emergency response systems of systems
M Buscher, M Bylund, P Sanches, L Ramirez, L Wood
10th International ISCRAM Conference, 426-431, 2013
An empirical study of firefighting sensemaking practices to inform the design of ubicomp technology
T Dyrks, S Denef, L Ramirez
Sensemaking Workshop of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2008
Designing for firefighters—building empathy through live action role-playing
T Dyrks, L Ramirez, S Denef, D Meyer, B Penkert
International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2009
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