Raed Mualem (Ph.D, M.Sc, M.H.A, M.A, LL.B)
Raed Mualem (Ph.D, M.Sc, M.H.A, M.A, LL.B)
Oranim academic college
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Intentionality and “free-will” from a neurodevelopmental perspective
G Leisman, C Machado, R Melillo, R Mualem
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6, 36, 2012
The neurological development of the child with the educational enrichment in mind
G Leisman, R Mualem, SK Mughrabi
Psicología Educativa 21 (2), 79-96, 2015
The effect of movement on cognitive performance
R Mualem, G Leisman, Y Zbedat, S Ganem, O Mualem, M Amaria, ...
Frontiers in public health 6, 100, 2018
Persistent childhood primitive reflex reduction effects on cognitive, sensorimotor, and academic performance in ADHD
R Melillo, G Leisman, R Mualem, A Ornai, E Carmeli
Frontiers in public health 8, 431835, 2020
The integration of the neurosciences, child public health, and education practice: hemisphere-specific remediation strategies as a discipline partnered rehabilitation tool in …
G Leisman, R Mualem, C Machado
Frontiers in public health 1, 22, 2013
The effect of music training and production on functional brain organization and cerebral asymmetry
G Leisman, R Melillo, R Mualem, C Machado
Art, Science and Technology. Milano, Italy: Domus Argenia, 133-9, 2012
SCFA and electrolyte absorption in the colon of three rodent species
I Choshniak, R Mualem
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 118 (2), 381-384, 1997
Environmental heat load, bionergetics and water economy in two breeds of goats, the Mamber goat versus the desert Bedouin goat
R Mualem, I Choshniak, A Shkolnik
World Review of Animal Production 25, 91-95, 1990
El desarrollo neurológico del niño con el enriquecimiento educativo en mente
G Leisman, R Mualem, SK Mughrabi
Psicología Educativa 21, 79-96, 2015
Econeurobiology and Brain Development in Children: Key Factors Affecting Development, Behavioral Outcomes, and School Interventions
R Mualem, L Morales-Quezada, RH Farraj, S Shance, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 12, 1376075, 2024
Improvements in Cognition and Educational Attainment as a Result of Integrating Music into Science Teaching in Elementary School. J
R Mualem, B Badarne, S Biswas, M Hnout, S Ganem
Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery 8 (3), DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579 …, 2021
It Is Imperative the use of Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) in Covid-19 Patients as Soon as the First Respiratory Symptoms Start
Y Machado, C., Mualem, R., DeFina, P. A., Machado, Y., Chinchilla, E ...
Frontiers Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience 1 (1), 1-14, 2020
The effect of dietary preferences on academic performance among kindergarten-aged children
R Mualem, N Jadon, S Shance, R Hussein Farraj, R Mansour, S Cohen
J Neurosci Neurol Surg 13, 277, 2023
Modulation of water and solute transport following food restriction in the colons of the Levant vole (Microtus guenteri) and the mouse (Mus musculus)
R Mualem, I Choshniak
Physiological zoology 68 (3), 524-538, 1995
Education and Health as Social Determinants: The Econeurobiology of Brain Development
RZ Mualem, L Morales-Quezada, S Shance, C Machado
Frontiers in Public Health 12, 1488824, 2024
Impact of Sleep Duration on Cognitive Performance and Emotional State Changes in High School Students
3 Rania Hussein Farraj 1,2,3 Salma Haddad 1 Coral Cohen 1 Raed Mualem 1,2
J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, 17 (1), 2025
Evaluation of Educational Attainment among School Children from Vulnerable Communities after Interventions of Effortless Walking Versus Strenuous Sporting Activity
SB Rania Hussein Farraj , Raed Mualem, Gerry Leisman , Shireen Rustom ...
Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery 14 (https://www.researchgate.net …, 2024
Evaluation of Educational Attainment among School Children from Vulnerable Communities after Interventions of Effortless Walking Versus Strenuous Sporting Activity
RH Farraj, R Mualem, G Leisman, S Rustom, S Ganem
J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery 14 (2), 2024
Parental Socio-Neuro-Rehabilitation Intervention Model to Enhance Top-Down Prefrontal Control During Toxic Stress.
R Mualem, S Masri
Proceeding of the Global Conference on Education 1 (1), 14-14, 2023
Effect of Excessive Environmental Heat Load on Digestibility, Energy Balance, and Urea Recycling in the Mediterranean (Member) Goat
R Mualem, C Cohen, RH Farraj, A abuelheija, S Shance
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Management (IJSEM) IFERB …, 2023
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