Rogério Pereira Bastos
Rogério Pereira Bastos
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The character and dynamics of the Cerrado herpetofauna
GR Colli, RP Bastos, AFB Araujo
The Cerrados of Brazil: ecology and natural history of a Neotropical savanna …, 2002
Challenging Wallacean and Linnean shortfalls: knowledge gradients and conservation planning in a biodiversity hotspot
LM Bini, JAF Diniz‐Filho, TF Rangel, RP Bastos, MP Pinto
Diversity and distributions 12 (5), 475-482, 2006
Anfíbios da floresta nacional de Silvânia, Estado de Goiás
RP BASTOS, JAO Motta, LP LIMA, LD Guimarães
Stylo gráfica e editora, Goiânia, 2003
Breeding activity of the neotropical treefrog Hyla elegans (Anura, Hylidae)
RP Bastos, CFB Haddad
Journal of Herpetology, 355-360, 1996
Vocalizations of the Brazilian torrent frog Hylodes heyeri (Anura: Hylodidae): Repertoire and influence of air temperature on advertisement call variation
R Lingnau, RP Bastos
Journal of Natural History 41 (17-20), 1227-1235, 2007
Macroecological correlates and spatial patterns of anuran description dates in the Brazilian Cerrado
JAF Diniz‐Filho, RP Bastos, TF Rangel, LM Bini, P Carvalho, RJ Silva
Global Ecology and Biogeography 14 (5), 469-477, 2005
Geographic body size gradients in tropical regions: water deficit and anuran body size in the Brazilian Cerrado
MÁ Olalla‐Tárraga, JAF Diniz‐Filho, RP Bastos, MÁ Rodríguez
Ecography 32 (4), 581-590, 2009
Vocalizações de algumas espécies do gênero Scinax (Anura, Hylidae) do sudeste do Brasil e comentários taxonômicos
JP Pombal Jr, RP Bastos, CFB Haddad
Naturalia 20, 213-225, 1995
Distribuição temporal e diversidade de modos reprodutivos de anfíbios anuros no Parque Nacional das Emas e entorno, estado de Goiás, Brasil
K Kopp, L Signorelli, RP Bastos
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 100, 192-200, 2010
Vocalizações e interações acústicas em Hyla raniceps (Anura, Hylidae) durante a atividade reprodutiva
RP Bastos
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 93, 149-158, 2003
Anuran species richness, complementarity and conservation conflicts in Brazilian Cerrado
JAF Diniz-Filho, LM Bini, MP Pinto, TFLVB Rangel, P Carvalho, ...
Acta oecologica 29 (1), 9-15, 2006
Acoustic and aggressive interactions in Scinax rizibilis (Anura: Hylidae) during the reproductive activity in southeastern Brazil
RP Bastos, CFB Haddad
Amphibia-Reptilia 23 (1), 97-104, 2002
Patterns in the organization of Cerrado pond biodiversity in Brazilian pasture landscapes
P De Marco, DS Nogueira, CC Correa, TB Vieira, KD Silva, NS Pinto, ...
Hydrobiologia 723, 87-101, 2014
Acoustic communication in a Neotropical frog (Dendropsophus minutus): vocal repertoire, variability and individual discrimination
AR Morais, VG Batista, PG Gambale, L Signorelli, RP Bastos
The Herpetological Journal 22 (4), 249-257, 2012
Spatial patterns of terrestrial vertebrate species richness in the Brazilian Cerrado
JAF Diniz-Filho, LM Bini, CM Vieira, D Blamires, LC Terribile, RP Bastos, ...
Spatial patterns in species richness and priority areas for conservation of anurans in the Cerrado region, Central Brazil
JA Diniz-Filho, L Bini, C Vieira, M De Souza, R Bastos, D Brandão, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 25 (1), 63-75, 2004
Climate change will decrease the range size of snake species under negligible protection in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest hotspot
R Lourenço-de-Moraes, FM Lansac-Toha, LTF Schwind, RL Arrieira, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8523, 2019
The advertisement calls of Brazilian anurans: Historical review, current knowledge and future directions
V Guerra, D Llusia, PG Gambale, AR Morais, R Marquez, RP Bastos
PLoS One 13 (1), e0191691, 2018
Landscape genetics of Physalaemus cuvieri in Brazilian Cerrado: correspondence between population structure and patterns of human occupation and habitat loss
MP de Campos Telles, JAF Diniz-Filho, RP Bastos, TN Soares, ...
Biological Conservation 139 (1-2), 37-46, 2007
Vocalizações de espécies de anuros (Amphibia) no Brasil Central
LD Guimarães, LP Lima, RF Juliano, RP Bastos
Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Série, Zoologia 474, 1-14, 2001
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