Radim Sumbera
Radim Sumbera
University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, Ceske Budejovice, Czech republic
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Adaptations to a subterranean environment and longevity revealed by the analysis of mole rat genomes
X Fang, I Seim, Z Huang, MV Gerashchenko, Z Xiong, AA Turanov, Y Zhu, ...
Cell reports 8 (5), 1354-1364, 2014
Microclimate in burrows of subterranean rodents—revisited
H Burda, R Šumbera, S Begall
Subterranean rodents: news from underground, 21-33, 2007
Pan-African phylogeny of Mus (subgenus Nannomys) reveals one of the most successful mammal radiations in Africa
J Bryja, O Mikula, R Šumbera, Y Meheretu, T Aghová, LA Lavrenchenko, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 1-20, 2014
Extended longevity of reproductives appears to be common in Fukomys mole-rats (Rodentia, Bathyergidae)
P Dammann, R Šumbera, C Maßmann, A Scherag, H Burda
PLoS One 6 (4), e18757, 2011
Microclimatic stability in burrows of an Afrotropical solitary bathyergid rodent, the silvery mole-rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus)
WN Chitaukali, M Elichová, J Kubová, H Burda
Journal of Zoology 263 (4), 409-416, 2004
Patterns of surface temperatures in two mole-rats (Bathyergidae) with different social systems as revealed by IR-thermography
R Šumbera, J Zelová, P Kunc, I Knížková, H Burda
Physiology & Behavior 92 (3), 526-532, 2007
Silvery mole-rats (Heliophobius argenteocinereus, Bathyergidae) change their burrow architecture seasonally
R Šumbera, H Burda, WN Chitaukali, J Kubová
Naturwissenschaften 90, 370-373, 2003
Possible incipient sympatric ecological speciation in blind mole rats (Spalax)
Y Hadid, S Tzur, T Pavlíček, R Šumbera, J Šklíba, M Lövy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (7), 2587-2592, 2013
Reproductive Biology of a Solitary Subterranean Bathyergid Rodent, the Silvery Mole-Rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus)
R Sumbera, H Burda, WN Chitaukali
Journal of Mammalogy 84 (1), 278-287, 2003
Cost of digging is determined by intrinsic factors rather than by substrate quality in two subterranean rodent species
J Zelová, R Šumbera, J Okrouhlík, H Burda
Physiology & behavior 99 (1), 54-58, 2010
Evolutionary history of the thicket rats (genus Grammomys) mirrors the evolution of African forests since late Miocene
J Bryja, R Šumbera, JC Kerbis Peterhans, T Aghová, A Bryjová, O Mikula, ...
Journal of Biogeography 44 (1), 182-194, 2017
Burrow architecture, family composition and habitat characteristics of the largest social African mole-rat: the giant mole-rat constructs really giant burrow systems
R Šumbera, V Mazoch, H Patzenhauerová, M Lövy, J Šklíba, J Bryja, ...
Acta Theriologica 57, 121-130, 2012
Reticulate Pleistocene evolution of Ethiopian rodent genus along remarkable altitudinal gradient
J Bryja, D Kostin, Y Meheretu, R Šumbera, A Bryjová, M Kasso, O Mikula, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 118, 75-87, 2018
Annotated checklist, taxonomy and distribution of rodents in Ethiopia
J Bryja, Y Meheretu, R Šumbera, LA Lavrenchenko
Folia zoologica 68 (3), 117-213, 2019
Thermal biology of a strictly subterranean mammalian family, the African mole-rats (Bathyergidae, Rodentia)-a review
R Šumbera
Journal of Thermal Biology 79, 166-189, 2019
Continuous dental replacement in a hyper-chisel tooth digging rodent
H Gomes Rodrigues, P Marangoni, R Šumbera, P Tafforeau, W Wendelen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (42), 17355-17359, 2011
Life in burrows channelled the morphological evolution of the skull in rodents: the case of African mole-rats (Bathyergidae, Rodentia)
H Gomes Rodrigues, R Šumbera, L Hautier
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 23, 175-189, 2016
Natural history and burrow system architecture of the silvery mole‐rat from Brachystegia woodland
R Šumbera, J Šklíba, M Elichová, WN Chitaukali, H Burda
Journal of Zoology 274 (1), 77-84, 2008
Habitat and burrow system characteristics of the blind mole rat Spalax galili in an area of supposed sympatric speciation
M Lövy, J Šklíba, E Hrouzková, V Dvořáková, E Nevo, R Šumbera
PLoS one 10 (7), e0133157, 2015
Sociality does not drive the evolution of large brains in eusocial African mole-rats
K Kverková, T Bělíková, S Olkowicz, Z Pavelková, MJ O’Riain, R Šumbera, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-14, 2018
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