Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - J KellerLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 29
Microbial fuel cells for simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal
B Virdis, K Rabaey, Z Yuan, J Keller
Water research 42 (12), 3013-3024, 2008
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Removal of organic contaminants from secondary effluent by anodic oxidation with a boron-doped diamond anode as tertiary treatment
S Garcia-Segura, J Keller, E Brillas, J Radjenovic
Journal of Hazardous Materials 283, 551-557, 2015
Krav: Government of Spain
Nitrogen removal from wastewater by coupling anammox and methane-dependent denitrification in a membrane biofilm reactor
Y Shi, S Hu, J Lou, P Lu, J Keller, Z Yuan
Environmental science & technology 47 (20), 11577-11583, 2013
Krav: Australian Research Council
Microbial electrosynthesis of isobutyric, butyric, caproic acids, and corresponding alcohols from carbon dioxide
I Vassilev, PA Hernandez, P Batlle-Vilanova, S Freguia, JO Krömer, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (7), 8485-8493, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
Source-separated urine opens golden opportunities for microbial electrochemical technologies
P Ledezma, P Kuntke, CJN Buisman, J Keller, S Freguia
Trends in Biotechnology 33 (4), 214-220, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
Reverse osmosis integrity monitoring in water reuse: The challenge to verify virus removal–A review
ML Pype, MG Lawrence, J Keller, W Gernjak
Water research 98, 384-395, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Odor emissions from domestic wastewater: A review
G Jiang, D Melder, J Keller, Z Yuan
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 47 (17), 1581-1611, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Wastewater-enhanced microbial corrosion of concrete sewers
G Jiang, M Zhou, TH Chiu, X Sun, J Keller, PL Bond
Environmental science & technology 50 (15), 8084-8092, 2016
Krav: Australian Research Council
Electrochemical abatement of hydrogen sulfide from waste streams
I Pikaar, EM Likosova, S Freguia, J Keller, K Rabaey, Z Yuan
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 45 (14), 1555-1578, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
Autotrophic hydrogen-producing biofilm growth sustained by a cathode as the sole electron and energy source
L Jourdin, S Freguia, BC Donose, J Keller
Bioelectrochemistry 102, 56-63, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
A novel bioelectrochemical system for chemical-free permanent treatment of acid mine drainage
G Pozo, S Pongy, J Keller, P Ledezma, S Freguia
Water Research 126, 411-420, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
Microbial electrosynthesis system with dual biocathode arrangement for simultaneous acetogenesis, solventogenesis and carbon chain elongation
I Vassilev, F Kracke, S Freguia, J Keller, JO Krömer, P Ledezma, B Virdis
Chemical Communications 55 (30), 4351-4354, 2019
Krav: Australian Research Council
Assessment of the impact of chloride on the formation of chlorinated by-products in the presence and absence of electrochemically activated sulfate
A Farhat, J Keller, S Tait, J Radjenovic
Chemical Engineering Journal 330, 1265-1271, 2017
Krav: Government of Spain
Electrochemical oxidation processes for PFAS removal from contaminated water and wastewater: fundamentals, gaps and opportunities towards practical implementation
M Veciana, J Bräunig, A Farhat, ML Pype, S Freguia, G Carvalho, J Keller, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 434, 128886, 2022
Krav: Australian Research Council
A novel and simple treatment for control of sulfide induced sewer concrete corrosion using free nitrous acid
X Sun, G Jiang, PL Bond, J Keller, Z Yuan
Water research 70, 279-287, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
Oxidised stainless steel: a very effective electrode material for microbial fuel cell bioanodes but at high risk of corrosion
P Ledezma, BC Donose, S Freguia, J Keller
Electrochimica Acta 158, 356-360, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
A rapid, non-destructive methodology to monitor activity of sulfide-induced corrosion of concrete based on H2S uptake rate
X Sun, G Jiang, PL Bond, T Wells, J Keller
water research 59, 229-238, 2014
Krav: Australian Research Council
Enhancing toxic metal removal from acidified sludge with nitrite addition
F Du, S Freguia, Z Yuan, J Keller, I Pikaar
Environmental science & technology 49 (10), 6257-6263, 2015
Krav: Australian Research Council
Understanding colloidal FeSx formation from iron phosphate precipitation sludge for optimal phosphorus recovery
EM Likosova, J Keller, RA Rozendal, Y Poussade, S Freguia
Journal of colloid and interface science 403, 16-21, 2013
Krav: Australian Research Council
Cathodic biofilm activates electrode surface and achieves efficient autotrophic sulfate reduction
G Pozo, L Jourdin, Y Lu, J Keller, P Ledezma, S Freguia
Electrochimica Acta 213, 66-74, 2016
Krav: Australian Research Council
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