Arman Oshnoei
Arman Oshnoei
Assistant Professor, SMIEEE, AAU Energy, Aalborg University
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A comprehensive review on electric vehicles smart charging: Solutions, strategies, technologies, and challenges
O Sadeghian, A Oshnoei, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, V Vahidinasab, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 54, 105241, 2022
Robust control scheme for distributed battery energy storage systems in load frequency control
A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, SM Muyeen
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6), 4781-4791, 2020
Novel load frequency control scheme for an interconnected two-area power system including wind turbine generation and redox flow battery
S Oshnoei, A Oshnoei, A Mosallanejad, F Haghjoo
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 130, 107033, 2021
Automatic generation control incorporating electric vehicles
A Oshnoei, R Khezri, SM Muyeen, S Oshnoei, F Blaabjerg
Electric Power Components and Systems 47 (8), 720-732, 2019
Risk-constrained stochastic optimal allocation of energy storage system in virtual power plants
O Sadeghian, A Oshnoei, R Khezri, SM Muyeen
Journal of Energy Storage 31, 101732, 2020
Coordination of heat pumps, electric vehicles and AGC for efficient LFC in a smart hybrid power system via SCA-based optimized FOPID controllers
R Khezri, A Oshnoei, M Tarafdar Hagh, SM Muyeen
Energies 11 (2), 420, 2018
Disturbance observer and tube-based model predictive controlled electric vehicles for frequency regulation of an isolated power grid
A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, SM Muyeen, ND Hatziargyriou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 4351-4362, 2021
Contribution of GCSC to regulate the frequency in multi-area power systems considering time delays: A new control outline based on fractional order controllers
S Oshnoei, A Oshnoei, A Mosallanejad, F Haghjoo
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 123, 106197, 2020
An intelligent coordinator design for GCSC and AGC in a two-area hybrid power system
R Khezri, A Oshnoei, S Oshnoei, H Bevrani, SM Muyeen
Applied Soft Computing 76, 491-504, 2019
Coordinated control scheme for provision of frequency regulation service by virtual power plants
A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, F Blaabjerg, ND Hatziargyriou, SM Muyeen, ...
Applied Energy 325, 119734, 2022
Robust model predictive control of gate-controlled series capacitor for LFC of power systems
A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, R Khezri, A Mahmoudi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (7), 4766-4776, 2020
An intelligent adaptive control of DC–DC power buck converters
H Sorouri, M Sedighizadeh, A Oshnoei, R Khezri
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 141, 108099, 2022
On the contribution of wind farms in automatic generation control: review and new control approach
A Oshnoei, R Khezri, SM Muyeen, F Blaabjerg
Applied sciences 8 (10), 1848, 2018
Intelligent secondary control of islanded AC microgrids: A brain emotional learning-based approach
MSO Yeganeh, A Oshnoei, N Mijatovic, T Dragicevic, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (7), 6711-6723, 2022
Network hardening and optimal placement of microgrids to improve transmission system resilience: A two-stage linear program
K Jalilpoor, A Oshnoei, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Anvari-Moghaddam
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 224, 108536, 2022
Provision of frequency stability of an islanded microgrid using a novel virtual inertia control and a fractional order cascade controller
S Oshnoei, M Aghamohammadi, S Oshnoei, A Oshnoei, ...
Energies 14 (14), 4152, 2021
Optimal placement of multi-period-based switched capacitor in radial distribution systems
O Sadeghian, A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Computers & Electrical Engineering 82, 106549, 2020
A robust data clustering method for probabilistic load flow in wind integrated radial distribution networks
O Sadeghian, A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, R Khezri, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 115, 105392, 2020
Multi‐objective optimisation of generation maintenance scheduling in restructured power systems based on global criterion method
O Sadeghian, A Oshnoei, S Nikkhah, B Mohammadi‐Ivatloo
IET Smart Grid 2 (2), 203-213, 2019
Fractional-order control techniques for renewable energy and energy-storage-integrated power systems: A review
M Alilou, H Azami, A Oshnoei, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, R Teodorescu
Fractal and Fractional 7 (5), 391, 2023
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