A review on current advances in the energy and environmental performance of buildings towards a more sustainable built environment N Soares, J Bastos, LD Pereira, A Soares, AR Amaral, E Asadi, ... Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 77, 845-860, 2017 | 270 | 2017 |
A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations AR Amaral, E Rodrigues, AR Gaspar, A Gomes Journal of cleaner production 250, 119558, 2020 | 176 | 2020 |
Review on performance aspects of nearly zero-energy districts AR Amaral, E Rodrigues, AR Gaspar, Á Gomes Sustainable cities and society 43, 406-420, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Seascape Genetics of a Globally Distributed, Highly Mobile Marine Mammal: The Short-Beaked Common Dolphin (Genus Delphinus) AR Amaral, LB Beheregaray, K Bilgmann, D Boutov, L Freitas, ... PLoS One 7 (2), e31482, 2012 | 107 | 2012 |
A thermal performance parametric study of window type, orientation, size and shadowing effect AR Amaral, E Rodrigues, AR Gaspar, Á Gomes Sustainable Cities and Society 26, 456-465, 2016 | 103 | 2016 |
Hybrid speciation in a marine mammal: the clymene dolphin (Stenella clymene) AR Amaral, G Lovewell, MM Coelho, G Amato, HC Rosenbaum PloS one 9 (1), e83645, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
A statistical and spatial analysis of Portuguese forest fires in summer 2016 considering Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A data A Teodoro, A Amaral Environments 6 (3), 36, 2019 | 90 | 2019 |
New insights on population genetic structure of Delphinus delphis from the northeast Atlantic and phylogenetic relationships within the genus inferred from two … AR Amaral, M Sequeira, J Martínez-Cedeira, MM Coelho Marine Biology 151, 1967-1976, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |
Killer whale genomes reveal a complex history of recurrent admixture and vicariance AD Foote, MD Martin, M Louis, G Pacheco, KM Robertson, MHS Sinding, ... Molecular Ecology 28 (14), 3427-3444, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Influences of past climatic changes on historical population structure and demography of a cosmopolitan marine predator, the common dolphin (genus Delphinus) AR Amaral, LB Beheregaray, K Bilgmann, L Freitas, KM Robertson, ... Molecular Ecology 21 (19), 4854-4871, 2012 | 63 | 2012 |
The world's most isolated and distinct whale population? Humpback whales of the Arabian Sea C Pomilla, AR Amaral, T Collins, G Minton, K Findlay, MS Leslie, ... PLoS One 9 (12), e114162, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Species tree of a recent radiation: the subfamily Delphininae (Cetacea, Mammalia) AR Amaral, JA Jackson, LM Möller, LB Beheregaray, MM Coelho Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64 (1), 243-253, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
A first approach to the usefulness of cytochrome c oxidase I barcodes in the identification of closely related delphinid cetacean species AR Amaral, M Sequeira, MM Coelho Marine and Freshwater Research 58 (6), 505-510, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |
Cranial shape differentiation in three closely related delphinid cetacean species: Insights into evolutionary history AR Amaral, MM Coelho, J Marugán-Lobón, FJ Rohlf Zoology 112 (1), 38-47, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
How reliable are geometry-based building indices as thermal performance indicators? E Rodrigues, AR Amaral, AR Gaspar, Á Gomes Energy Conversion and Management 101, 561-578, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Oceanographic drivers of population differentiation in Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and humpback (Sousa spp.) dolphins of the northern Bay of Bengal AR Amaral, BD Smith, RM Mansur, RL Brownell, HC Rosenbaum Conservation Genetics 18, 371-381, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
Lessons from unsuccessful energy and buildings sustainability actions in university campus operations AR Amaral, E Rodrigues, AR Gaspar, A Gomes Journal of Cleaner Production 297, 126665, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Population genetic structure among feeding aggregations of humpback whales in the Southern Ocean AR Amaral, J Loo, H Jaris, C Olavarria, D Thiele, P Ensor, A Aguayo, ... Marine Biology 163, 1-13, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Population genetic structure and taxonomy of the common dolphin (Delphinus sp.) at its southernmost range limit: New Zealand waters KA Stockin, AR Amaral, J Latimer, DM Lambert, A Natoli Marine Mammal Science 30 (1), 44-63, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
An approach to urban quarter design using building generative design and thermal performance optimization E Rodrigues, AR Amaral, AR Gaspar, Á Gomes Energy Procedia 78, 2899-2904, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |